Back Stretch – Twisted Deer Pose

posted in: Back Pain, Yoga 1

We have already explored deer pose as a hip opener here.

In this post, we will play with Deer pose as a twist.

I LOVE me some twists!

I pretty much always need a sweet little back stretch, and this one fits the bill perfectly.

It’s also great for the range of the motion in the hips, both on the back leg (internal rotation) and the front leg (external rotation).

Also, for those of us with a few extra soft bits on the front of us, this twist actually leaves room for my aspiring Buddha belly.

So, with all that sweet Asana multitasking goodness going on, it’s no wonder that the twisted Deer pose is one of my all-time favorite twists!

This twist may not be available for those of you with knee injuries, so please, if this bothers your knees, skip it. I have other twists on my blog you can play with.

You can also add more padding, like a blanket or bolster under your butt to make this more accessible.

If you know someone who could benefit from more twisting, please share this post with them.

Happy Twisting,


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  1. Tight Hips - Deer Pose To The Rescue - Students - Nyk Danu Yoga
    | Reply

    […] Deer pose, or Mrigiasana, can be practiced with a focus on stretching the hips or as a twist. This post is about using Deer pose as a release for tight hips. You can see how to use Deer pose as a twist here. […]

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