Tight Shoulders? A Yin Yang Yoga Practice

Yin Yang for Tight Shoulders: A Harmonized  Approach to Release Tension

Shoulder tension is an all-too-common issue in today’s world. The root causes can range from long hours at a desk to stress, physical strain, or even a lack of movement. To address tight shoulders, integrating the principles of Yin and Yang through a balanced approach can be highly effective. Read More “Tight Shoulders? A Yin Yang Yoga Practice”

Tight Upper Back? Eagle Arms To The Rescue!

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I’m guessing you like me have a pretty tight upper back.

One of the most common requests I get in my classes is for something for the upper back and shoulders.

Eagle arms is by the best Yoga stretch for this area.

In my life, this pose is a daily (if not multiple times a day) event around these parts. Read More “Tight Upper Back? Eagle Arms To The Rescue!”

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