Sleeping swan pose is a variation of swan pose, only folded over the front leg. Folding over the front leg will increase the sensation in the hip, butt, IT band area, and is a pretty sweet hip opener.
If your front knee doesn’t like this pose, sometimes moving the knee towards the mid-line of the body can take the pressure off. If it still hurts you’ll want to skip this pose and choose a different hip opener like shoelace pose.
If it’s the knee of the back leg that is the issue, a small rolled up towel or a blanket under the thigh of the back leg will often do the trick or curling the back toes under to take pressure off the knee cap.
Once you’re able to settle into this pose it is quite soothing for the nervous system so is a great pose to do before bed. Feel free to have blankets and pillows nearby for comfort.
In the video below, I’ll walk you through the complete how-to, including how to use props and modify sleeping swan.
Here’s to happy, healthy hips.
ox nyk
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