7- Free (or Dirt Cheap) ‘Old School’ Ways To Market Your Yoga Business (without Social Media) 75 min video training 


Dear Yoga Teacher,

Are you feeling disenchanted by social media? 

Many teachers are not alone.


Maybe You Are:

  • Spending a bunch or time creating content and posting on social media, but still aren’t sure if it’s actually working for you?
  • Wondering if  social media really helps you find your ideal students? 
  • Questioning if  the time you spend on social media actually helping you fill your classes, workshops and retreats?

Do you secretly long to quit the soul/time suck (not to mention your mental health) of social media altogether, or at least minimize your time spent there? 


One day long ago, tried to hop on Instagram and Facebook live to offer guided meditation.

But strangely, neither was working. Yup, they were both down for most of the day

So I went to the beach. 🤷🏻‍♀️.

Because I have other ways to market my business, I wasn’t too stressed about it. 

Do you have other ways to market your business?

If you are solely dependent on Social Media for your marketing; what would you do if suddenly all your Social Media accounts vanished (it’s happened to several yoga teachers I know).

Or, if you were suddenly locked out  of your Instagram or Facebook accounts.

When we depend exclusively on social media to market our business, we are at the mercy of those platforms. Their algorithm, their rules, their whims!


I don’t know about you, but I want more sovereignty in my business, and I want that for you too <3


It IS possible to market without social media!

 How do I know?

Well, I have been teaching Yoga since 2004, before Facebook and Instagram existed, so I remember how to market without social media. 

How does full classes with a waitlist sound? I know this is possible, because I have done it! 

I have built my business from scratch not once but twice with mostly free (and a couple of dirt cheap) marketing tools.

And you know what, these tried, tested and true ‘old school’ methods are still super effective (way more in my business  than social media).


Allow me to introduce: My 75 min video training – 7 Free or (Dirt Cheap) Ways To Market Your Yoga Business 


What you will learn in this training:

  • How to market your business without social media
  • How to market your business without paid ads
  • 7 (or more) DIY marketing techniques to fill your offerings
  • How to increase referrals 
  • My #1 way of reaching new students 
  • How to have your ideal students find you

Buy this on-demand video 75 min workshop here:






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