If my story resonates with you, and you’re ready to:
- Shift from surviving to flourishing in your Yoga career.
- Serve a community that you are ideally suited to serve.
- Make an Impact in the world (even a quiet small one).
- Build your business in a smart AND heartfelt way.
Then I would love to work with you!
I believe ….
Yoga teachers are some of the most amazing humans!
I believe that Yoga can and does change the world every day, breath by breath one student at a time.
I know when I help Yoga teachers reach the students they are ideally suited to serve, then that creates a ripple effect.
If You have more students, then there are more people practicing Yoga. More people practicing Yoga = your students have more patience, empathy and kindness for their loved ones and communities.
And that creates the ripple effect to a kinder, more loving world.
“I just wanted to say Thanks again Nyk! That was an epic amount of expert help from someone who teaches in my field!! It was a game changer!!! Thanks for sharing your mad skills with us”
My Credentials:
The first thing of note is the boots on the ground, rubber meets the road fact that I have been teaching Yoga since 2004 and built my business from scratch not once but twice!
So I have lots to share with you. Both from my direct experience (as someone who has been there) and from the online business training’ I’ve taken.
A couple of those online training programs:
B-school (Marie Forleo)
Digital Marketing Bootcamp (Alacrity Canada)
And of course, I have my own Marketing mentor whom I work closely with. You see I’m always building and growing my own Yoga business and so I share what I have learned with you.
There’s one thing you should know though, the foundation of all the business mentorship I offer is based in niching.
I believe in niching so strongly that I don’t work with teachers who aren’t willing to niche.
“Since Niching I have been blessed with so many more work opportunities and instead of being a general yoga teacher, I feel like I have some direction and a fit.
I have now become overwhelmed with work, to the point I have to turn it down now (which I hate). It’s been a complete 180 and that’s not even an exaggeration!!
I love my niche now!! I finally have a home. I’ve found my people. It also allows me time to do what I love.”
Isabelle Chatelain
If right now you are thinking ‘but I don’t have a niche’ or I have an idea about my niche but need support don’t worry I got you.
When you sign up for my email list at the bottom of this page you’ll get a video of my So You Think You Can Niche workshop for free.
That will get the ball rolling and I am here to support you with whatever comes up around niching.
OK, here are some of the ways we can work together.
Join my email list for free business tips at the bottom the this page by entering your name and email. When you do you’ll get a free video of my workshop So You Think You Can Niche. And free business tips in your inbox.
Throughout the year I offer workshops which you can see here (if there aren’t any listed atm make sure to join my email list at the bottom of this page to get the first crack at those)
These workshops are smaller, subject-specific training.
These workshops are a great way to get support in an area you need help in and see what it’s like to work with me.
Once or twice a year I offer my 7- week course Marketing with Heart For Yoga Teachers.
This is where you build a solid business plan so that your business will flourish!
We learn that Marketing doesn’t have to be expensive, you don’t need to have paid ads or an expert marketing team.
Marketing doesn’t need to be pushy, full of hype or feel slimy.
It can be authentic, inspiring and uplifting. Marketing your Yoga business can be respectful, kind, resonant, honest and even fun.
That ‘marketing’ is actually just building relationships with your ideal student.
More on that course here
If you have already taken a workshop or course with me and need custom support or you want to dive in right now rather than wait for a workshop?
I do have a few opportunities for one-on-one support You can learn more bout those here.
Whatever stage you are in your Yoga business, make sure to join my email list below so that I can start sending you free resources right away.
I’m really glad you’re here 💜