The reason I decided to start doing book reviews is, that there are a lot of teachers who are a bit newer that have come to teaching, in more recent years. Those newer teachers may not be as familiar with Yin Yoga and the founder of Yin Paul Grilley (or at least the founder of Yin in the way that I practice and teach it)
So they may also not be, familiar with original Yin Yoga books books that came out before their time.
And so I thought, of course, I can’t start, to record episodes. On Yn Yoga books, unless I start at the beginning, which would be my teacher, Paul Grilley’s book. So we’re going to talk about that book today.
And just to be clear, I’m going to talk about what I love about the book. I’m also going to say what I think could be improved.
And I’m going to do that with every single book that I talk about. Just because Paul is my teacher doesn’t mean that I’m not going to look at, this book with a bit of a critical thinking lens, and say what I think,
So I’m going to talk about what I love about this book and I’m going to talk about a couple of things I wish were there that aren’t.
And I’m going to do that with every book that I review.
Today, we are starting with the very first ever book conversation on the podcast, with Paul Grilliey’s book. It’s called Yin Yoga, Principles in Practice.
I’m excited to introduce a new series where I’ll review Yin Yoga books, starting with ‘Yin Yoga: Principles and Practice’ by my teacher, Paul Grilley.
Book Review: Yin Yoga Principles and Practice – By Paul Grilley – Listen
Book Review: Yin Yoga Principles and Practice – By Paul Grilley – Watch
Book Review: Yin Yoga Principles and Practice -By Paul Grilley – Read
00:00:01.820 –> 00:00:06.309
Nyk Danu Yoga: Hi Yinnese, and welcome to a yin Yoga. Podcast
00:00:06.520 –> 00:00:10.340
Nyk Danu Yoga: if you are new around here, welcome.
00:00:10.600 –> 00:00:16.109
Nyk Danu Yoga: This is your 1st time listening and for those of you that are familiar. Welcome back
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Nyk Danu Yoga: at the time of this recording, it’s not quite. But
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Nyk Danu Yoga: by the time you’re listening to this.
00:00:23.960 –> 00:00:27.450
Nyk Danu Yoga: the podcast will have hit one year old.
00:00:28.020 –> 00:00:30.000
Nyk Danu Yoga: Wow! That’s crazy.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: I can’t believe that it has gone by so quickly.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: It literally feels like it was maybe 4 months ago that I started this podcast but it’s been a year.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: and we have done a lot of really good episodes. If I do say so myself, not because
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Nyk Danu Yoga: I’m trying to toot my own horn, but because
00:00:50.020 –> 00:00:53.880
Nyk Danu Yoga: I get a lot of my subject ideas from you all.
00:00:54.140 –> 00:01:14.950
Nyk Danu Yoga: So from questions that you email me questions that pop up in my in training. Or if I’m on a in a in Facebook group, and I see a question, I’ll like bookmark it so that I can discuss it on the podcast, so, thanks to all of you for asking such good questions and giving me such good content to make episodes about.
00:01:15.910 –> 00:01:17.870
Nyk Danu Yoga: and I would love to encourage more of that.
00:01:18.250 –> 00:01:20.350
Nyk Danu Yoga: So please, dear listener.
00:01:20.700 –> 00:01:24.210
Nyk Danu Yoga: and you’ll find the links in the show notes to my Instagram
00:01:24.340 –> 00:01:26.539
Nyk Danu Yoga: if you have questions.
00:01:26.660 –> 00:01:42.200
Nyk Danu Yoga: Find me on Instagram and send me a DM. Letting me know what your questions about yin are now. They do need to be about yin, or at least like very Yen adjacent. Otherwise, you know, it’s for a different. Podcast, but please, please, please, if you have questions, let me know
00:01:42.210 –> 00:01:52.049
Nyk Danu Yoga: so many of these episodes have been created to answer a question that I’ve seen pop up either in a Facebook group or that somebody has sent me. So
00:01:52.230 –> 00:02:00.339
Nyk Danu Yoga: I would love to keep this podcast going strong with new, fresh content. And so one of the ways to do that is for you all, to let me know
00:02:00.470 –> 00:02:02.279
Nyk Danu Yoga: what is it that you have questions about?
00:02:02.350 –> 00:02:04.309
Nyk Danu Yoga: What is it that you want to know more about?
00:02:04.990 –> 00:02:05.840
Nyk Danu Yoga: Okay?
00:02:06.100 –> 00:02:09.909
Nyk Danu Yoga: And then I also want to pause and thank those of you
00:02:10.100 –> 00:02:13.429
Nyk Danu Yoga: who have done podcast reviews.
00:02:14.260 –> 00:02:15.620
Nyk Danu Yoga: bless you.
00:02:15.650 –> 00:02:22.400
Nyk Danu Yoga: warms my heart. It’s just, you know, podcasts, what no one tells you is that podcasts are a boatload of work.
00:02:22.470 –> 00:02:28.570
Nyk Danu Yoga: probably about 4 times as much as you’re imagining in your head. Actually, it was at least double what I imagined.
00:02:28.940 –> 00:02:44.270
Nyk Danu Yoga: and one of the reasons that I do. This is obviously a labor of love. I obviously don’t make any money at this time on this podcast it’s not sponsored. So don’t make any money from it. I do it because of my love of Yen and my wanting to help
00:02:44.420 –> 00:02:45.720
Nyk Danu Yoga: teachers
00:02:46.659 –> 00:02:53.489
Nyk Danu Yoga: learn and grow and give you the tools and the skills that you need to become exceptional grounded teachers.
00:02:53.670 –> 00:02:55.240
Nyk Danu Yoga: Because I believe
00:02:55.540 –> 00:02:58.710
Nyk Danu Yoga: that that is one of the ways that we can change our world
00:02:59.130 –> 00:03:00.220
Nyk Danu Yoga: is that if
00:03:00.310 –> 00:03:08.959
Nyk Danu Yoga: there’s a whole bunch of grounded exceptional teachers out there holding brave space for students to heal and process, and then those students go out into their life.
00:03:08.970 –> 00:03:13.399
Nyk Danu Yoga: and they’re more present and loving and compassionate and kind. And that has a ripple effect.
00:03:13.720 –> 00:03:14.860
Nyk Danu Yoga: Right? So
00:03:14.880 –> 00:03:18.139
Nyk Danu Yoga: that’s my whole big intention
00:03:18.250 –> 00:03:24.069
Nyk Danu Yoga: with working with teachers, whether it’s through this podcast or in my teacher training, or even with business mentorship.
00:03:24.080 –> 00:03:27.879
Nyk Danu Yoga: is so that the more skillful teachers we have.
00:03:27.970 –> 00:03:29.949
Nyk Danu Yoga: the more we can benefit
00:03:30.370 –> 00:03:31.269
Nyk Danu Yoga: the world.
00:03:31.890 –> 00:03:32.790
Nyk Danu Yoga: Okay.
00:03:33.000 –> 00:03:39.380
Nyk Danu Yoga: So thank you so much for those of you who have left podcast. Reviews
00:03:39.480 –> 00:03:44.999
Nyk Danu Yoga: who have reached out in the Dms or in the comments, and let me know.
00:03:45.395 –> 00:03:48.650
Nyk Danu Yoga: how this podcast has been helping you in your teaching journey.
00:03:49.160 –> 00:03:54.855
Nyk Danu Yoga: And if you haven’t left a review, I would be super grateful. If you would do that.
00:03:55.400 –> 00:03:57.480
Nyk Danu Yoga: if you’re on apple, you can just
00:03:57.940 –> 00:04:06.569
Nyk Danu Yoga: scroll down on the actual podcast page and then do 5 stars. If you want to add a written review as well, I would definitely appreciate that.
00:04:07.028 –> 00:04:11.689
Nyk Danu Yoga: If you’re on spotify, you just get to do stars so you could do some stars on spotify.
00:04:11.750 –> 00:04:23.169
Nyk Danu Yoga: If you’re watching this on Youtube. And, dear listener, if you’re only listening, did you know you could watch these on Youtube? So if you’d rather watch me prattle on about this than just listen to it. Those are always available as well.
00:04:23.330 –> 00:04:27.830
Nyk Danu Yoga: And if you’re watching this on Youtube. If you could take a moment to make sure you’ve subscribed
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Nyk Danu Yoga: like the video and then leave me a comment.
00:04:31.210 –> 00:04:34.059
Nyk Danu Yoga: So once this is over, let me know
00:04:34.090 –> 00:04:37.709
Nyk Danu Yoga: what you thought. What were your takeaways? What were your ahs?
00:04:38.170 –> 00:04:40.360
Nyk Danu Yoga: I would love to know in the comments.
00:04:40.560 –> 00:04:41.560
Nyk Danu Yoga: Okay.
00:04:42.060 –> 00:04:45.020
Nyk Danu Yoga: before we get into today’s episode.
00:04:45.680 –> 00:04:52.290
Nyk Danu Yoga: which is kind of going to be the 1st in a series. I don’t mean a series as we’re going to not necessarily do these back to back.
00:04:52.440 –> 00:04:53.150
Nyk Danu Yoga: but
00:04:53.370 –> 00:04:57.680
Nyk Danu Yoga: sort of something that I’m going to start adding to the podcast as of this season
00:04:57.700 –> 00:05:00.080
Nyk Danu Yoga: is some book reviews.
00:05:00.604 –> 00:05:07.709
Nyk Danu Yoga: Oftentimes I’ll see in Yen groups, and also, my students will ask me for extra resources for books.
00:05:08.184 –> 00:05:10.369
Nyk Danu Yoga: On yen. And so we’re gonna
00:05:10.410 –> 00:05:13.030
Nyk Danu Yoga: start with one of those today.
00:05:13.911 –> 00:05:16.140
Nyk Danu Yoga: Before I get into that, though
00:05:16.541 –> 00:05:18.650
Nyk Danu Yoga: I just wanted to mention that
00:05:20.300 –> 00:05:22.100
Nyk Danu Yoga: at the time of this recording
00:05:22.230 –> 00:05:29.439
Nyk Danu Yoga: my yin training, my fall one, if you’re listening to this live, will have probably been started or about to start.
00:05:29.850 –> 00:05:31.770
Nyk Danu Yoga: and so you may have missed that one
00:05:31.840 –> 00:05:38.339
Nyk Danu Yoga: depending on what date this comes out. However, I will have another one in the spring, and the best way to find out about that.
00:05:38.720 –> 00:05:42.449
Nyk Danu Yoga: and to get access to a whole bunch of yin goodies
00:05:42.530 –> 00:05:46.809
Nyk Danu Yoga: delivered weekly in your inbox from me with love every week.
00:05:47.078 –> 00:05:53.549
Nyk Danu Yoga: And to be eligible for the early registration discount. If you want to do all of that, you got to be on the wait list
00:05:53.810 –> 00:05:59.530
Nyk Danu Yoga: so you can join the waitlist by just clicking the link in the show notes that says, teachers join the waitlist
00:05:59.948 –> 00:06:05.630
Nyk Danu Yoga: and when you’d click that if you look up into my picture you’re going to see there’s a button there to click.
00:06:05.700 –> 00:06:08.210
Nyk Danu Yoga: You’re going to get a couple little gifts when you do.
00:06:08.670 –> 00:06:17.869
Nyk Danu Yoga: or it’s also all the way at the bottom of the page, and if you’re there long enough reading, there will be a polite pop up that will slide out and ask you if you’d like to join the wait list. So
00:06:18.240 –> 00:06:30.430
Nyk Danu Yoga: if you’re interested in doing another yin training or your 1st Yin training, and you’ve been resonating with these episodes, and with my point of view would highly recommend that you get on the waitlist.
00:06:30.710 –> 00:06:44.969
Nyk Danu Yoga: and I want to read a little testimonial before we dive in from a former student about my, it’s a time of this recording. It’s a 60 plus hour therapeutic in training. It might be longer by the time you’re listening to this. If that’s off in the future.
00:06:46.346 –> 00:06:48.180
Nyk Danu Yoga: This is by Julie Chapman.
00:06:49.330 –> 00:06:54.380
Nyk Danu Yoga: the quality and caliber of Nick as an instructor, did not disappoint.
00:06:54.800 –> 00:07:00.499
Nyk Danu Yoga: I like that. She offers a variety of ways to learn, and that she herself
00:07:01.010 –> 00:07:04.899
Nyk Danu Yoga: has been creative with her message. Throughout teaching classes
00:07:05.250 –> 00:07:09.029
Nyk Danu Yoga: the amount of information and resources was fantastic.
00:07:09.040 –> 00:07:11.840
Nyk Danu Yoga: I was on the edge of my seat the entire time.
00:07:12.030 –> 00:07:26.769
Nyk Danu Yoga: I have so much enjoyed this training and all the learning I’m geeking out and searching up more about Yin Yang theory, and it’s inspired me to learn more and apply it to my own life on a personal level as well as my role as a teacher.
00:07:27.280 –> 00:07:30.309
Nyk Danu Yoga: Yin was new to me, but I’m hooked big time.
00:07:30.540 –> 00:07:33.110
Nyk Danu Yoga: I love, not only being a student
00:07:33.170 –> 00:07:35.609
Nyk Danu Yoga: and learning, but also as a teacher.
00:07:35.790 –> 00:07:38.679
Nyk Danu Yoga: How would I put this into practice with my students?
00:07:38.830 –> 00:07:43.730
Nyk Danu Yoga: I’m already creatively thinking about how to incorporate and create new offerings.
00:07:44.130 –> 00:07:50.209
Nyk Danu Yoga: I appreciate Nick’s style, which is approachable and full of information. I wouldn’t change a thing.
00:07:50.380 –> 00:07:57.349
Nyk Danu Yoga: I also enjoyed that Nick is not only very informed, articulate teacher, but she adds humor to her presentation and instruction.
00:07:57.910 –> 00:07:59.200
Nyk Danu Yoga: Thank you, Julie.
00:08:00.190 –> 00:08:03.200
Nyk Danu Yoga: so there’s a little feedback about my yin training.
00:08:03.630 –> 00:08:08.360
Nyk Danu Yoga: Okay before we dive into today’s solo episode. One last reminder, my friends.
00:08:08.820 –> 00:08:16.710
Nyk Danu Yoga: that this is an adult, podcast you can expect perhaps some adult language and adult subject matter. So if you have small people around
00:08:16.910 –> 00:08:18.950
Nyk Danu Yoga: pop in some headphones now.
00:08:20.530 –> 00:08:27.300
Nyk Danu Yoga: okay, so when considering whether or not and why and how I should do some book
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Nyk Danu Yoga: reviews or book
00:08:29.510 –> 00:08:30.780
Nyk Danu Yoga: episodes.
00:08:32.330 –> 00:08:52.539
Nyk Danu Yoga: And the reason I decided again to do this is because there’s a lot of teachers that are a bit newer, that have kind of come up, you know, in the more recent years, who may not be as familiar with yin and sort of the founder of yen or at least the founder of yen, in the way that I practice and teach it in the most kind of common way.
00:08:52.920 –> 00:09:02.820
Nyk Danu Yoga: And they may also not be familiar with these books that came out, you know, before their time. And so I thought, of course, I can’t start, you know.
00:09:02.830 –> 00:09:05.219
Nyk Danu Yoga: starting to record episodes
00:09:05.260 –> 00:09:07.089
Nyk Danu Yoga: on Yen Yoga books
00:09:07.190 –> 00:09:09.080
Nyk Danu Yoga: unless I start at the beginning.
00:09:09.880 –> 00:09:18.819
Nyk Danu Yoga: which would be my teacher, Paul Grilley’s book. So we’re going to talk about that book today, and just to make sure that you’re you understand?
00:09:18.880 –> 00:09:21.660
Nyk Danu Yoga: I love Paul. Paul is my teacher.
00:09:21.670 –> 00:09:26.510
Nyk Danu Yoga: I adore that man. I did a whole interview with Paul
00:09:27.890 –> 00:09:29.370
Nyk Danu Yoga: in season one.
00:09:29.630 –> 00:09:32.029
Nyk Danu Yoga: And you can check that out.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: I’m going to start putting a link in the episode notes to a Google Doc, which actually lists all of the episodes with links.
00:09:41.750 –> 00:09:48.130
Nyk Danu Yoga: So for those of you that are just joining now, and you’re like, Oh, my gosh! There’s so many to catch up on. You’ll be able to do that
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Nyk Danu Yoga: from that Google, Doc, which should be handy for both yourself and for me as well.
00:09:55.380 –> 00:09:56.710
Nyk Danu Yoga: Okay, my friends.
00:09:57.040 –> 00:10:01.259
Nyk Danu Yoga: so there will be a Google Doc that you can check out. I’m looking at it right now.
00:10:02.034 –> 00:10:07.629
Nyk Danu Yoga: And it’ll list season one all the episodes. It’s just very simple. It’s just the topic and the link
00:10:07.840 –> 00:10:10.789
Nyk Danu Yoga: episode number season number topic link. Very simple.
00:10:11.190 –> 00:10:16.889
Nyk Danu Yoga: And so my interview with Paul Girley, my teacher, was episode one episode 4.
00:10:17.330 –> 00:10:19.410
Nyk Danu Yoga: But again, there’ll be a link in the
00:10:20.450 –> 00:10:25.209
Nyk Danu Yoga: in the down below this that will take you to this document that I created
00:10:26.340 –> 00:10:27.420
Nyk Danu Yoga: so.
00:10:28.710 –> 00:10:36.059
Nyk Danu Yoga: And again I’ve talked in my own story about how I discovered Paul Grilley, and then how I ended up studying with him for
00:10:36.150 –> 00:10:42.709
Nyk Danu Yoga: 500 h now, and hope to continue that trend as we go forward in the future as often as possible.
00:10:42.960 –> 00:10:45.709
Nyk Danu Yoga: And I have a whole interview with Paul Grilley.
00:10:46.020 –> 00:10:48.439
Nyk Danu Yoga: And since Paul is sort of
00:10:48.500 –> 00:10:50.290
Nyk Danu Yoga: known as like.
00:10:50.820 –> 00:10:56.370
Nyk Danu Yoga: you know, Mr. Yen Yoga, although a lot of people think that that Bernie Clark
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Nyk Danu Yoga: is sort of like
00:10:58.050 –> 00:11:00.230
Nyk Danu Yoga: the the founder of Yin.
00:11:00.640 –> 00:11:07.259
Nyk Danu Yoga: He’s not actually, it’s Paul Grilley. And Bernie is always really good at pointing that out. But somehow I think
00:11:07.700 –> 00:11:09.040
Nyk Danu Yoga: students forget
00:11:09.714 –> 00:11:15.590
Nyk Danu Yoga: and I think that’s just because Bernie kind of gets out there more. You know, he’s got the forum, and he’s more active with
00:11:15.914 –> 00:11:21.259
Nyk Danu Yoga: being online and getting on podcast and things. And so I think a lot of people think that Bernie Clark is
00:11:21.340 –> 00:11:25.330
Nyk Danu Yoga: the founder of what we call Yen Yoga. Most of us.
00:11:25.390 –> 00:11:26.989
Nyk Danu Yoga: He’s not actually
00:11:27.768 –> 00:11:33.589
Nyk Danu Yoga: paul Griley would be the guy who codified this and kind of turned it into
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Nyk Danu Yoga: a practice.
00:11:34.920 –> 00:11:38.310
Nyk Danu Yoga: And so we’re going to talk 1st about
00:11:38.390 –> 00:11:40.029
Nyk Danu Yoga: Paul’s book, because
00:11:40.820 –> 00:11:45.680
Nyk Danu Yoga: that just seems to make the most sense to me. It’s like, why wouldn’t we start at the beginning
00:11:45.730 –> 00:11:48.539
Nyk Danu Yoga: with the beginning with my teacher, Paul Grilley.
00:11:50.560 –> 00:11:55.770
Nyk Danu Yoga: And just to be clear, I’m going to talk about what I love about the book. I’m also going to say what I think
00:11:56.270 –> 00:12:00.999
Nyk Danu Yoga: could be approved. And I’m going to do that with every single book that I talk about.
00:12:01.556 –> 00:12:04.580
Nyk Danu Yoga: Just because Paul is my teacher doesn’t mean that
00:12:04.610 –> 00:12:06.020
Nyk Danu Yoga: I’m not going to look at
00:12:06.620 –> 00:12:10.909
Nyk Danu Yoga: this book with a bit of a critical thinking lens and
00:12:10.960 –> 00:12:19.410
Nyk Danu Yoga: and say what I think right? So I’m going to talk about what I love about it. I’m going to talk about a couple of things I wish were there that aren’t. And I’m going to do that with every book
00:12:19.440 –> 00:12:21.439
Nyk Danu Yoga: that we chat about. So
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Nyk Danu Yoga: today, we are starting with
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Nyk Danu Yoga: the very 1st ever
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Nyk Danu Yoga: book conversation on the podcast
00:12:29.510 –> 00:12:33.480
Nyk Danu Yoga: with Paul Griley’s book. It’s called Yen Yoga principles and practice
00:12:34.011 –> 00:12:50.890
Nyk Danu Yoga: the book that I have, the one that I’m gonna show in a moment. For those of you on Youtube is actually the 10th anniversary edition. There was a previous edition which I don’t have anymore. I don’t think I looked, and I don’t think I have it because I tend to be like.
00:12:51.730 –> 00:13:02.299
Nyk Danu Yoga: I have a problem with books meaning like, I’m a book addict. And so I force myself at least a couple of times a year to go through books and remove books and take them to a consignment store
00:13:02.350 –> 00:13:06.390
Nyk Danu Yoga: a secondhand bookstore, or give them to somebody who would love them.
00:13:06.720 –> 00:13:14.000
Nyk Danu Yoga: So once I got the autographed copy of the 10th Anniversary edition, I didn’t feel the need to keep the older one.
00:13:16.030 –> 00:13:20.629
Nyk Danu Yoga: so I was incredibly lucky. Here’s the book here for those of you that are
00:13:20.690 –> 00:13:22.420
Nyk Danu Yoga: that are watching on Youtube.
00:13:24.100 –> 00:13:26.969
Nyk Danu Yoga: I was incredibly lucky that this book
00:13:27.530 –> 00:13:28.960
Nyk Danu Yoga: came out.
00:13:32.150 –> 00:13:35.579
Nyk Danu Yoga: I believe it came out the 10th anniversary edition. Yes.
00:13:35.710 –> 00:13:39.100
Nyk Danu Yoga: in 2012, when I was at Lmb. When I was at
00:13:39.160 –> 00:13:43.209
Nyk Danu Yoga: landed the Medicine Buddha doing a training with Paul in 2012.
00:13:44.040 –> 00:13:45.360
Nyk Danu Yoga: That’s when the book came up.
00:13:45.550 –> 00:13:50.460
Nyk Danu Yoga: and so I not only was I able to buy it directly from Paul, but I was able to get it signed
00:13:50.660 –> 00:13:53.819
Nyk Danu Yoga: by him and Susie, his incredible wife.
00:13:54.260 –> 00:13:55.760
Nyk Danu Yoga: You can see that in there.
00:13:56.020 –> 00:14:01.979
Nyk Danu Yoga: says Nick, inspiring to learn more about your work and dedication, and then it just says Paul and Susie Grilley, and then it’s got Lmb.
00:14:02.080 –> 00:14:03.399
Nyk Danu Yoga: 2012 on it.
00:14:03.910 –> 00:14:08.850
Nyk Danu Yoga: So I got rid of the older edition, because this is the the newer one.
00:14:08.920 –> 00:14:10.840
Nyk Danu Yoga: So we’ll talk a little bit about this book.
00:14:11.240 –> 00:14:21.370
Nyk Danu Yoga: the advantages, the the things that maybe room for improvement. Before we get into that, though I do want to just say, if you are a yoga teacher listening.
00:14:21.960 –> 00:14:27.540
Nyk Danu Yoga: and you’re inquiring if you’re one of those teachers that’s inquiring about yin books because you
00:14:27.790 –> 00:14:32.229
Nyk Danu Yoga: haven’t taken a yin Yoga training, and you want to start teaching. Yin.
00:14:32.670 –> 00:14:34.279
Nyk Danu Yoga: that’s a mistake.
00:14:35.500 –> 00:14:44.400
Nyk Danu Yoga: There is so much when you take a training that you will never get from a book, regardless of what an amazing book it may be.
00:14:44.980 –> 00:14:45.890
Nyk Danu Yoga: So
00:14:46.150 –> 00:14:48.679
Nyk Danu Yoga: I think that think of these books
00:14:49.130 –> 00:14:54.419
Nyk Danu Yoga: in Yin Yoga as a way to start to get curious about yin
00:14:54.960 –> 00:15:05.290
Nyk Danu Yoga: to maybe as a teacher, start to practice it, maybe more on your own, to kind of learn a little bit more about the foundations of it. But if you want to teach in, you really need
00:15:05.400 –> 00:15:08.659
Nyk Danu Yoga: a good solid Yen Yoga training.
00:15:09.650 –> 00:15:34.089
Nyk Danu Yoga: and I’m speaking, of course. Now to people that are kind of already 200 h teachers and want to add yen in. So if that’s you, you know I’ve got a great one. I might be a little biased, but there’s many great trainings out there. I would recommend doing your research and maybe studying with the teacher, and checking out reviews and testimonials and things like that before you invest your hard on money and very precious time.
00:15:34.380 –> 00:15:38.130
Nyk Danu Yoga: but that there is so many layers of
00:15:38.970 –> 00:15:48.789
Nyk Danu Yoga: information, wisdom, and education that you will get studying with a trained teacher in a teacher training module that you will never get from reading a book.
00:15:49.300 –> 00:15:55.689
Nyk Danu Yoga: So I just want to preface this. Yes, I’m going to be doing a series where I talk about books for yin
00:15:56.150 –> 00:16:01.120
Nyk Danu Yoga: And I’m gonna start doing these episodes sprinkled throughout the seasons.
00:16:01.520 –> 00:16:06.589
Nyk Danu Yoga: But please know that a book will never replace a direct training with a teacher.
00:16:07.120 –> 00:16:10.089
Nyk Danu Yoga: that if this is a practice that you fall in love with.
00:16:10.480 –> 00:16:22.499
Nyk Danu Yoga: start saving your pennies and find a really good training and study with a teacher, because there’s so much that you’ll never get from a book. That being said, let’s chat about this book, shall we?
00:16:22.590 –> 00:16:28.190
Nyk Danu Yoga: Okay? So one of the things that I love about this book is, look at how small it is.
00:16:28.950 –> 00:16:33.950
Nyk Danu Yoga: Paul is really good at just saying what needs to be said and not prattling on about all the rest.
00:16:34.695 –> 00:16:53.229
Nyk Danu Yoga: So it’s very small. So if you are a teacher, and you have your little book bag or your backpack, with your water bottle and your tea, and your stuff for teaching super easy to toss this in, so that you know, in between classes or whatever you can read it also, great one to take when you’re on vacation or something, because again.
00:16:53.240 –> 00:16:56.649
Nyk Danu Yoga: it’s small. It’s not going to take up a whole bunch of stuff
00:16:58.180 –> 00:17:02.089
Nyk Danu Yoga: in your luggage. You’re not gonna have to bring like a whole extra bag just for your book.
00:17:02.660 –> 00:17:03.660
Nyk Danu Yoga: So
00:17:04.750 –> 00:17:06.889
Nyk Danu Yoga: this is really where I would start.
00:17:07.010 –> 00:17:11.190
Nyk Danu Yoga: If you do not have any books on yin. You’ve got to start with Paul’s book.
00:17:11.780 –> 00:17:12.930
Nyk Danu Yoga: and
00:17:13.650 –> 00:17:20.250
Nyk Danu Yoga: I’ll tell you some of the things I love about this book. I love the fact that it’s small. I think the fact that it’s really concise
00:17:20.270 –> 00:17:22.790
Nyk Danu Yoga: yet has a ton of information.
00:17:23.504 –> 00:17:26.050
Nyk Danu Yoga: You know. He briefly talks about
00:17:26.970 –> 00:17:29.920
Nyk Danu Yoga: the meridians. He talks about sheep.
00:17:30.500 –> 00:17:31.580
Nyk Danu Yoga: In brief.
00:17:32.020 –> 00:17:37.339
Nyk Danu Yoga: he talks about connective tissue you get. There’s a little yin Yang theory in here.
00:17:38.080 –> 00:17:42.109
Nyk Danu Yoga: as it relates to yoga. There’s a little bit of stuff here about fascia
00:17:43.360 –> 00:17:46.169
Nyk Danu Yoga: and connective tissue. It’s brief, but it’s it’s in there.
00:17:47.000 –> 00:17:48.240
Nyk Danu Yoga: And
00:17:49.060 –> 00:17:56.879
Nyk Danu Yoga: then there’s a whole section on how to practice yin yoga, and how practicing yin Yoga is different than practicing yon yong yoga.
00:17:57.710 –> 00:17:59.669
Nyk Danu Yoga: So there’s a whole bunch of that.
00:18:01.230 –> 00:18:02.350
Nyk Danu Yoga: And then
00:18:03.350 –> 00:18:06.139
Nyk Danu Yoga: there’s a yen and yong attitude section.
00:18:06.480 –> 00:18:09.810
Nyk Danu Yoga: There’s information in here about breathing
00:18:09.940 –> 00:18:11.659
Nyk Danu Yoga: and the rebound
00:18:11.700 –> 00:18:13.880
Nyk Danu Yoga: and counter stretching.
00:18:15.210 –> 00:18:16.400
Nyk Danu Yoga: And so
00:18:17.090 –> 00:18:25.690
Nyk Danu Yoga: just again, all of the things that you kind of need to understand at the beginning are definitely touched on in here, including meditation and awareness and
00:18:25.720 –> 00:18:27.100
Nyk Danu Yoga: learning to relax.
00:18:27.880 –> 00:18:30.620
Nyk Danu Yoga: There’s a whole chapter on designing your practice.
00:18:30.630 –> 00:18:33.880
Nyk Danu Yoga: This is a great one for teachers. So if you want to start
00:18:34.536 –> 00:18:37.919
Nyk Danu Yoga: you know, designing a yoga yan yoga practice
00:18:38.540 –> 00:18:40.150
Nyk Danu Yoga: one thing that is
00:18:41.018 –> 00:18:43.660
Nyk Danu Yoga: unusual, I think, and maybe
00:18:44.270 –> 00:18:47.970
Nyk Danu Yoga: confusing to me. I don’t know why Paul did it. I’d have to ask him
00:18:48.110 –> 00:18:52.109
Nyk Danu Yoga: is that he actually does include some young poses in here.
00:18:54.130 –> 00:19:06.683
Nyk Danu Yoga: And I don’t know if he did that, just because when you, when you study with him, there are a few more of the young poses that he will sprinkle out through our outer trainings. We don’t just do, you know, straight up yin, sometimes we do some movement things
00:19:06.970 –> 00:19:18.649
Nyk Danu Yoga: or some things in between are yin shapes and so I’m not sure if that’s why he has them in the book. But to me, and maybe I’m just hardcore this way. If the book is called Yen Yoga.
00:19:18.940 –> 00:19:24.990
Nyk Danu Yoga: I’d rather it just begin. However, Paul has put his wide variety of
00:19:25.160 –> 00:19:28.500
Nyk Danu Yoga: perspectives and practices and thoughts in this book.
00:19:28.510 –> 00:19:31.079
Nyk Danu Yoga: So yes, you’re going to find yen poses.
00:19:31.120 –> 00:19:35.020
Nyk Danu Yoga: There’s also a few what you might consider more yong poses like
00:19:35.060 –> 00:19:43.019
Nyk Danu Yoga: leg raises as a way to transition or tripod, or what he calls crocodile, which is essentially chatterer.
00:19:43.462 –> 00:19:54.429
Nyk Danu Yoga: So all of those are in there infant which is locust for those of you who speak Hatha. So those poses are in here. Some of these little more yong, like ones. Also camel
00:19:56.578 –> 00:19:58.369
Nyk Danu Yoga: is also in there.
00:19:59.130 –> 00:20:01.770
Nyk Danu Yoga: but a lot of the just basic
00:20:02.935 –> 00:20:03.639
Nyk Danu Yoga: poses
00:20:03.690 –> 00:20:04.709
Nyk Danu Yoga: are in here
00:20:07.680 –> 00:20:15.480
Nyk Danu Yoga: couple of things that I want to mention. There’s also a section here on. It’s not a big section, but there is a section here on Wall Yoga
00:20:15.510 –> 00:20:29.389
Nyk Danu Yoga: on how to use the wall and yin. So there’s a little section there on a few poses that you can do with the wall, some of the ones that are kind of common that maybe people have challenges with when they do them on the floor. Those are. Those are on the wall here like frog.
00:20:29.530 –> 00:20:41.569
Nyk Danu Yoga: And you know, for people who can’t do sleeping Swan and a lot of people have discomfort and dragonfly on the floor. So those are in here in wall versions. It’s not a massive wall section, but there are a few poses there.
00:20:42.354 –> 00:20:48.349
Nyk Danu Yoga: There’s talk of meditation in here. How you sit in meditation poses to sit in meditation.
00:20:48.960 –> 00:20:54.959
Nyk Danu Yoga: And then the other thing that is interesting an interesting choice to me in this is that
00:20:54.980 –> 00:20:57.180
Nyk Danu Yoga: he’s got a little bit of shocker theory
00:20:57.420 –> 00:20:58.559
Nyk Danu Yoga: in this book.
00:20:58.610 –> 00:21:01.480
Nyk Danu Yoga: Now, the reason that I think that that is
00:21:01.980 –> 00:21:06.450
Nyk Danu Yoga: an interesting choice is myself. Personally, I don’t tend to blend
00:21:06.730 –> 00:21:18.539
Nyk Danu Yoga: a practice like Chakra work within I to me they feel very different as far as the energetic intentions, and how you would practice them, and even the philosophy behind them.
00:21:18.820 –> 00:21:28.410
Nyk Danu Yoga: But that being said, this is very much part of Paul’s teaching, and very much part of Paul’s practice, and very much part of what Paul has guided us through when we study with him.
00:21:29.342 –> 00:21:38.150
Nyk Danu Yoga: The other reason I think it’s interesting is because later he did do a book on the Chakras and so I don’t know if
00:21:38.190 –> 00:21:46.370
Nyk Danu Yoga: he put the the Chakra information in the yen book because he didn’t know he was going to do a separate book on the Chakras. I’m not really sure kind of like
00:21:46.720 –> 00:21:48.180
Nyk Danu Yoga: what happened with that
00:21:48.260 –> 00:21:49.290
Nyk Danu Yoga: again. I
00:21:49.690 –> 00:21:58.660
Nyk Danu Yoga: have not asked him. I had plenty of questions in the interview to ask him. I didn’t need to to dive into these ones. So yeah, there is some shocker theory as well in here.
00:22:00.970 –> 00:22:02.380
Nyk Danu Yoga: just in brief.
00:22:03.030 –> 00:22:11.809
Nyk Danu Yoga: And so that’s interesting. There’s a little bit about bondas as well. And again, this is not any of the Chakra and bond apart is not
00:22:11.930 –> 00:22:29.929
Nyk Danu Yoga: part of what I include Indian. I keep my yin very much separate from those practices. But for Paul you know he’s practiced these things together cohesively, not necessarily. At the same time, I don’t mean together in the same moment, but I mean, these are all elements of his practice.
00:22:31.700 –> 00:22:32.700
Nyk Danu Yoga: So
00:22:34.080 –> 00:22:38.340
Nyk Danu Yoga: that’s 1 thing that I thought was a little interesting about
00:22:38.500 –> 00:22:40.230
Nyk Danu Yoga: the choices in this book.
00:22:41.268 –> 00:22:45.931
Nyk Danu Yoga: Was to include that Chakra stuff, and I was also a little bit
00:22:47.020 –> 00:22:55.049
Nyk Danu Yoga: not confused by him, adding those few young poses, because he very much does teach those in our training. But just if I was going to be a purist.
00:22:55.320 –> 00:22:58.479
Nyk Danu Yoga: I was going to be a yin yoga purist, which I kind of am.
00:22:58.640 –> 00:23:00.900
Nyk Danu Yoga: I would rather have a book be
00:23:00.910 –> 00:23:02.779
Nyk Danu Yoga: if it’s called yin straight up. Yen.
00:23:03.310 –> 00:23:08.536
Nyk Danu Yoga: No, no poses that are, you know, young, orientated, and I would have kept
00:23:09.160 –> 00:23:20.129
Nyk Danu Yoga: You know I would have focused more on Daoism, which he does a little bit in the beginning, and less about Chakras. But that’s really, you know, neither here nor there. Some people might love the fact that this information is in this book.
00:23:21.160 –> 00:23:23.592
Nyk Danu Yoga: and then the only other kind of
00:23:24.970 –> 00:23:30.410
Nyk Danu Yoga: thing that you might notice is that. And and we talk about this in the interview with Paul.
00:23:31.020 –> 00:23:33.899
Nyk Danu Yoga: and I’ve mentioned it in several episodes. Is that
00:23:34.040 –> 00:23:36.740
Nyk Danu Yoga: in the beginning, in the beginning,
00:23:37.410 –> 00:23:41.229
Nyk Danu Yoga: Paul didn’t have a lot of upper body poses.
00:23:41.350 –> 00:23:43.460
Nyk Danu Yoga: I think we did one
00:23:44.060 –> 00:23:50.150
Nyk Danu Yoga: training with him, and when I asked him about that, when I was with him last in person.
00:23:50.572 –> 00:24:03.969
Nyk Danu Yoga: and said, you know, I’m I’m confused because a a lot of us teachers that you know would study with Paul. And you kind of typically would do like a hundred hours at a time, although some people would just spend the whole summer with them. But you know you’d go home
00:24:04.810 –> 00:24:06.020
Nyk Danu Yoga: and
00:24:09.170 –> 00:24:13.830
Nyk Danu Yoga: and practice what you’d learned. And for me immediately I was like, well.
00:24:14.130 –> 00:24:18.019
Nyk Danu Yoga: yeah, my lower body, from like the waist down, is getting all this
00:24:18.270 –> 00:24:19.800
Nyk Danu Yoga: deliciousness.
00:24:20.010 –> 00:24:24.039
Nyk Danu Yoga: All of this, you know, yin yuminess.
00:24:24.240 –> 00:24:26.789
Nyk Danu Yoga: but my upper body could use that.
00:24:26.960 –> 00:24:32.709
Nyk Danu Yoga: You know. I’ve talked about this before that like my upper body. As a former hair stylist.
00:24:33.108 –> 00:24:47.290
Nyk Danu Yoga: Needed some love. My neck needed some love. My shoulders needed some love. My trapezia needed some love like there was a lot of upper back, chronic tight tension in my muscles and my fascia that really could have used that yin yoga magic. And so
00:24:47.320 –> 00:24:57.740
Nyk Danu Yoga: I just naturally and instinctively started taking poses that I knew from other the other forms of Yoga that I had studied and started doing them in a yin way.
00:24:58.030 –> 00:25:15.709
Nyk Danu Yoga: and I’m not the only one. There’s a lot of teachers that studied with Paul, you know, earlier on that started going home and then being like. But what about my tight trapezius? And started kind of, you know, taking these other shapes and doing them in a yin way.
00:25:16.070 –> 00:25:21.089
Nyk Danu Yoga: So I just want to mention that because that is sort of not Paul.
00:25:21.230 –> 00:25:33.113
Nyk Danu Yoga: Paul didn’t introduce any of us to those shapes. We either had those shapes from other styles of yoga, and then just started doing them in a yin way or
00:25:33.730 –> 00:25:34.750
Nyk Danu Yoga: you know.
00:25:34.830 –> 00:25:37.000
Nyk Danu Yoga: we started practicing them
00:25:37.574 –> 00:25:43.660
Nyk Danu Yoga: practicing things that we kind of, you know, intuitively made up in our own bodies, and then turned them into yen poses. So
00:25:43.850 –> 00:25:56.030
Nyk Danu Yoga: I just wanna mention that because in this book you won’t find anything from the waist up. It’s all classic, you know, sort of historically classic, Paul Grilley waste down Asanas
00:25:56.230 –> 00:25:57.220
Nyk Danu Yoga: so.
00:25:58.030 –> 00:26:15.690
Nyk Danu Yoga: and a lot of the books. Are that way. Because again, this is this is how it was taught. Originally it was sort of a waste down practice. I think that Bernie Clark’s book has a few upper body things, but not a lot and so just to know that that there’s not going to be any upper body stuff in here, because that wasn’t Paul’s jam.
00:26:15.820 –> 00:26:21.530
Nyk Danu Yoga: All didn’t teach us that we we added those to our practice ourselves.
00:26:24.430 –> 00:26:35.949
Nyk Danu Yoga: The other thing that I would add. And again, this isn’t necessarily a critique of this book specifically, although it appears in this book as well as many other books, is that
00:26:36.850 –> 00:26:40.409
Nyk Danu Yoga: the model the lovely Susie Grilly, Paul’s wife.
00:26:41.187 –> 00:26:44.950
Nyk Danu Yoga: Is very adept, Yogi very flexible.
00:26:45.910 –> 00:26:48.419
Nyk Danu Yoga: You can see just a couple of poses there.
00:26:49.250 –> 00:26:50.250
Nyk Danu Yoga: and
00:26:51.030 –> 00:26:53.140
Nyk Danu Yoga: so there are new props in here.
00:26:54.230 –> 00:26:56.089
Nyk Danu Yoga: There’s no pictures
00:26:56.230 –> 00:27:00.980
Nyk Danu Yoga: showing a diversity of bodies in these poses.
00:27:01.200 –> 00:27:04.550
Nyk Danu Yoga: and a way that you could make them more accessible.
00:27:05.360 –> 00:27:08.469
Nyk Danu Yoga: So I feel like that’s missing in this book. But
00:27:08.550 –> 00:27:11.590
Nyk Danu Yoga: I actually feel like that’s missing in most Yoga books.
00:27:11.610 –> 00:27:16.000
Nyk Danu Yoga: So until recently, maybe the last I don’t know. 5 to 7 years.
00:27:16.230 –> 00:27:21.169
Nyk Danu Yoga: That is something you could have said about pretty much every Yoga book, unless it was an Iona book
00:27:21.190 –> 00:27:22.250
Nyk Danu Yoga: that, like
00:27:22.270 –> 00:27:32.510
Nyk Danu Yoga: in the pictures, it’s all able-bodied, flexible people doing the poses. And so, if you are not able, bodied, and flexible in that way.
00:27:32.540 –> 00:27:34.759
Nyk Danu Yoga: You’re not going to get a lot of
00:27:34.790 –> 00:27:39.240
Nyk Danu Yoga: help from the books on how to make this practice accessible for you.
00:27:39.500 –> 00:27:51.349
Nyk Danu Yoga: So that is also something that I would love to see, you know. But again, this is not unusual to Paul’s book. This is like all yin Yoga book all yin books.
00:27:51.943 –> 00:27:53.030
Nyk Danu Yoga: I think
00:27:53.300 –> 00:27:56.939
Nyk Danu Yoga: I think Bernie maybe has a couple more props than is, but
00:27:57.180 –> 00:28:05.279
Nyk Danu Yoga: all of the early in books are pretty light on the props, if any at all, and don’t show a ton of different variations for different bodies.
00:28:05.300 –> 00:28:13.030
Nyk Danu Yoga: And this, my dear teacher, is why you attend a Yin training with a qualified Yin teacher
00:28:13.210 –> 00:28:21.979
Nyk Danu Yoga: because they will go over skeletal variations. And if if you are researching trainings and your training does not say that it
00:28:22.240 –> 00:28:34.069
Nyk Danu Yoga: talks about skeletal variations, or how to make poses accessible for a wide variety of bodies, or some languaging like that. There is not a section in that training that focuses on that do not take it.
00:28:34.550 –> 00:28:53.439
Nyk Danu Yoga: So anyone, any of us that were trained by Paul, we learned, you know, our functional anatomy. We learned about skeletal variations. We spent a lot of time studying with each other’s bodies and like looking at. Oh, you could do that! Oh, good idea for a prop there. And so you know, there was that in the training.
00:28:53.990 –> 00:28:55.310
Nyk Danu Yoga: It’s just not
00:28:55.490 –> 00:28:56.990
Nyk Danu Yoga: in the pictures in the book.
00:28:58.094 –> 00:28:59.630
Nyk Danu Yoga: And this is why
00:29:00.160 –> 00:29:09.700
Nyk Danu Yoga: we take trainings right? Because books are are great. I love books, but they’re not designed to be the totality
00:29:09.830 –> 00:29:14.160
Nyk Danu Yoga: of what you need to learn and study in order to
00:29:14.300 –> 00:29:15.560
Nyk Danu Yoga: teach said thing.
00:29:15.830 –> 00:29:20.710
Nyk Danu Yoga: So, for example, in my training we spend a shit ton of time going over
00:29:21.090 –> 00:29:24.900
Nyk Danu Yoga: the classical poses from Paul, although I leave out the young ones
00:29:25.710 –> 00:29:32.019
Nyk Danu Yoga: as well as some of the upper body stuff that I started to gleam from my own practice.
00:29:34.250 –> 00:29:46.560
Nyk Danu Yoga: When you know when I would study with Paul, and then I would go home, and I would be doing my yin, and I’d be like where? What about my upper half, and so I would start doing things that I knew of from my other styles of Yoga.
00:29:46.770 –> 00:29:59.839
Nyk Danu Yoga: and just other things that felt good in my body to in a yen way to access that upper body. So in my training we go over all of the poses the classical yen poses, but we also do a ton of upper body stuff.
00:30:00.060 –> 00:30:25.950
Nyk Danu Yoga: And there’s a really big emphasis on, okay. If somebody couldn’t do this pose because of their need, how could we prop them? Or what could we give them instead? If somebody leg doesn’t move this way, what could we give them instead? So I spend a lot of time breaking down each pose with some variations and some propage, and also alternative poses. If that pose just isn’t gonna work for somebody.
00:30:26.380 –> 00:30:42.559
Nyk Danu Yoga: And so that’s all in the training, and I would argue that probably most good Yin trainings have some degree of, you know. Here’s skeletal variations. And here’s how we all look different in this shape. And here’s some of the ways. This pose can look different on different bodies.
00:30:42.650 –> 00:30:46.550
Nyk Danu Yoga: I don’t know if everybody goes into
00:30:46.730 –> 00:30:49.466
Nyk Danu Yoga: cropping as heavily as I do. I don’t know
00:30:49.780 –> 00:30:52.510
Nyk Danu Yoga: My previous training was in a younger
00:30:52.550 –> 00:31:00.879
Nyk Danu Yoga: yoga, which are known as like the prop ninjas or the prop folks, and so I already had a really good solid
00:31:01.010 –> 00:31:04.349
Nyk Danu Yoga: knowledge of propping long before.
00:31:05.730 –> 00:31:12.089
Nyk Danu Yoga: I ever got to yin. So I took those tools and skills with me as I became a yin teacher.
00:31:12.270 –> 00:31:13.270
Nyk Danu Yoga: So
00:31:14.030 –> 00:31:20.859
Nyk Danu Yoga: that’s 1 thing that I wish was in this book. But I could also again say that about pretty much. Every Yoga book
00:31:20.880 –> 00:31:23.759
Nyk Danu Yoga: on the planet and every end book is that
00:31:24.430 –> 00:31:27.629
Nyk Danu Yoga: in the images there isn’t enough
00:31:30.530 –> 00:31:32.339
Nyk Danu Yoga: ideas for people who
00:31:32.440 –> 00:31:36.540
Nyk Danu Yoga: aren’t as flexible and able-bodied as the lovely Susie Grilly.
00:31:37.340 –> 00:31:39.210
Nyk Danu Yoga: So that would be us a critique
00:31:40.570 –> 00:31:44.619
Nyk Danu Yoga: But again, that would be a critique of 90% of the books out there.
00:31:45.056 –> 00:31:50.470
Nyk Danu Yoga: But I do love this book. I love. The simplicity of this book.
00:31:50.710 –> 00:32:00.519
Nyk Danu Yoga: I mean, if you know all of that that I just told you is in here, you know. He talks a little bit about Taoism y and yong theory, connective tissue, etc, etc. And look at how small it is.
00:32:01.090 –> 00:32:02.040
Nyk Danu Yoga: So
00:32:02.210 –> 00:32:03.590
Nyk Danu Yoga: it’s a small book
00:32:03.810 –> 00:32:10.190
Nyk Danu Yoga: with a big punch. It’s got lots of information in here, but Paul is not one to sort of prattle on.
00:32:10.300 –> 00:32:37.699
Nyk Danu Yoga: He’s 1 to kind of give you the information and move to the next thing. And so everything in here is sort of an abridged thing, and then, of course, if you decided that you really loved a certain aspect of the practice, or you were really intrigued about something else like. So, for example, if you were in this book, and you were reading about the chakras, and you were like, Oh, now my curiosity is peaked even more. Then, of course, you could get pulse, Chakra book, or you could continue self study in some way.
00:32:38.330 –> 00:32:43.320
Nyk Danu Yoga: So highlights of the book are, 1st of all, it’s by the founder.
00:32:43.380 –> 00:32:45.480
Nyk Danu Yoga: It’s by Mr. Yin yoga.
00:32:45.520 –> 00:32:51.189
Nyk Danu Yoga: So, Paul, just to be clear when I say the founder I’m talking about the founder of yin as it’s practiced
00:32:51.630 –> 00:32:55.049
Nyk Danu Yoga: in this way, floor-based postures, longholds.
00:32:55.250 –> 00:33:09.610
Nyk Danu Yoga: etc, moderate amount of sensation. Paul, my teacher, actually did study with poly poly zinc. Again, you can hear more all about that in the episode I did with Paul. And so that’s who introduced him to this yin way of practicing.
00:33:09.940 –> 00:33:18.569
Nyk Danu Yoga: But then Paul has so definitely put his own sort of stamp on it, and the the yin that Paul teaches is quite different than the yin that Polly Zinc teaches.
00:33:18.990 –> 00:33:20.030
Nyk Danu Yoga: So
00:33:20.550 –> 00:33:26.679
Nyk Danu Yoga: I think if you’re a yen yogi. This one’s a must have for your collection of books. It’s like.
00:33:26.980 –> 00:33:29.660
Nyk Danu Yoga: How how could you not start with Paul’s book?
00:33:29.760 –> 00:33:37.999
Nyk Danu Yoga: It’s a fantastic book as far as like introducing you to a lot of the concepts without getting super wordy, super, long.
00:33:38.040 –> 00:33:39.199
Nyk Danu Yoga: etc.
00:33:39.380 –> 00:33:41.929
Nyk Danu Yoga: Great book to bring again on the bus
00:33:42.010 –> 00:33:46.310
Nyk Danu Yoga: in your travels on vacation. Toss it in your bag because it’s not heavy.
00:33:47.100 –> 00:33:49.590
Nyk Danu Yoga: but yet has a lot of good information in it.
00:33:50.080 –> 00:33:51.860
Nyk Danu Yoga: and then the only thing that I
00:33:52.020 –> 00:33:57.329
Nyk Danu Yoga: if I’m going to be hyper, Picky, because I’m going to be hyper picky about all the books that I review is that
00:33:57.630 –> 00:34:12.789
Nyk Danu Yoga: in my opinion I would have kept the Chakra stuff out, and is in the separate book. And again, I don’t know if that second book wasn’t, you know, kind of envisioned yet when he did this, so maybe that’s why, or if he just, it’s that much of a part of his practice that he wanted to have it in here.
00:34:12.909 –> 00:34:21.759
Nyk Danu Yoga: I also would have left out some of the yong poses, because I just think there’s so many books already on Yoga that have those poses in there that why not make yen special?
00:34:22.170 –> 00:34:26.170
Nyk Danu Yoga: And then the only other sort of small critique is that, again, this book, like
00:34:26.449 –> 00:34:30.100
Nyk Danu Yoga: most of them. There isn’t any props
00:34:30.699 –> 00:34:31.840
Nyk Danu Yoga: being shown
00:34:31.860 –> 00:34:33.160
Nyk Danu Yoga: in this book.
00:34:33.210 –> 00:34:35.190
Nyk Danu Yoga: and so, if you are
00:34:35.389 –> 00:34:45.139
Nyk Danu Yoga: not as flexible and kind of able bodied as Susie, and you’re not familiar with props. If you’re not sort of a props, ninja, that can be a bit of a challenge.
00:34:50.929 –> 00:34:53.160
Nyk Danu Yoga: apologies a sip of macho there.
00:34:53.712 –> 00:35:00.280
Nyk Danu Yoga: So I guess, to summarize if you are looking for yen books, and you’re looking to learn more about yin. And
00:35:00.430 –> 00:35:17.759
Nyk Danu Yoga: you know maybe you’re already a yen teacher, and you just haven’t. You know you’re a newer teacher. You haven’t really kind of heard of like the Ogs, the Yin Yoga Ogs. You’re not as familiar. Then this is a good place to start building your yin Yoga book library. In fact, I think it’s the best place to start.
00:35:17.930 –> 00:35:19.570
Nyk Danu Yoga: Why not start with the OG.
00:35:19.910 –> 00:35:25.270
Nyk Danu Yoga: So yin yoga Principles and Practice, by Paul Grilley.
00:35:25.470 –> 00:35:33.550
Nyk Danu Yoga: I would definitely recommend grabbing this 1 first, st if you or if you already have a few in books, and you don’t have this one definitely. You need to have it.
00:35:35.540 –> 00:35:37.650
Nyk Danu Yoga: it’s a fantastic book
00:35:38.540 –> 00:35:46.470
Nyk Danu Yoga: in that. The sheer amount of information in here in such a small format is like, I’m still like, how did you do this?
00:35:46.890 –> 00:35:51.460
Nyk Danu Yoga: How did he get all this in this little small book. I don’t know, because when I write I can’t be that
00:35:51.580 –> 00:35:53.870
Nyk Danu Yoga: efficient. But he he is.
00:35:54.440 –> 00:35:58.100
Nyk Danu Yoga: so it won’t take you long to read. It’s a great one to carry with you.
00:35:58.530 –> 00:36:01.979
Nyk Danu Yoga: and there’s a boatload of really good information in here.
00:36:02.309 –> 00:36:06.069
Nyk Danu Yoga: He also briefly mentions meridians. I don’t know if I’ve said that already.
00:36:07.740 –> 00:36:12.860
Nyk Danu Yoga: again, in brief, in overview. Because if you really want to learn this stuff in depth.
00:36:13.380 –> 00:36:16.539
Nyk Danu Yoga: you’re not going to get it in a book, you’re going to get it in a training.
00:36:17.540 –> 00:36:23.268
Nyk Danu Yoga: Okay, I think that’s all. I think we’ll keep this one short and sweet.
00:36:23.770 –> 00:36:28.420
Nyk Danu Yoga: as always, dear listener, if you have questions.
00:36:30.166 –> 00:36:34.529
Nyk Danu Yoga: that you would love me to cover on the podcast please reach out to me on Instagram.
00:36:34.650 –> 00:36:37.650
Nyk Danu Yoga: or you can try messaging me on Facebook, but
00:36:37.820 –> 00:37:00.549
Nyk Danu Yoga: it will probably end up in my other folder. And I really don’t spend a lot of time on Facebook. Facebook. I just go into the the Yoga groups and get out because I don’t enjoy Facebook but you can find me on Instagram at Nick Daniel Yoga, or at Yen Yoga, podcast and you can send me a DM. With a question. If you’ve got something you’d love for me to cover on the podcast I would love to hear about it.
00:37:01.000 –> 00:37:09.220
Nyk Danu Yoga: And again, big gratitude for all of those of you who have offered podcast reviews. Thank you so much. Deep bows to you.
00:37:09.570 –> 00:37:17.130
Nyk Danu Yoga: it makes a way bigger difference than you think. It seems like such a small thing. I just logged onto my app. I beep bop 2 min.
00:37:17.530 –> 00:37:30.990
Nyk Danu Yoga: How could that make a difference. It makes a big difference. It really shows apple or spotify, or whoever that this podcast is getting popular. And so they’re more likely to show it to people that are searching
00:37:31.220 –> 00:37:32.490
Nyk Danu Yoga: Yoga podcast
00:37:33.050 –> 00:37:35.009
Nyk Danu Yoga: or Yen Yoga. Podcast so
00:37:35.330 –> 00:37:39.450
Nyk Danu Yoga: if you have, have, you have done that and already thank you, if you have not.
00:37:39.990 –> 00:37:42.399
Nyk Danu Yoga: I would love it if you would give a 5 star review
00:37:42.500 –> 00:37:46.129
Nyk Danu Yoga: and again send me questions, and until we meet again
00:37:46.680 –> 00:37:47.649
Nyk Danu Yoga: bye, for now.
Interview with My Teacher Paul Grilley
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Anatomy for Yoga with Paul Grilley
Hang Drum Music by Fred Westra
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