Yin Yoga: The Gateway Drug to Meditation
The Often Overlooked Meditative Aspect of Yin Yoga
Yin Yoga is often viewed as a quieter, more meditative form of Yoga, yet this critical aspect isn’t frequently discussed.
Personally, my journey into meditation was challenging—and at times hilarious.
When I began dabbling in meditation, I jumped from one technique to another, thinking my busy mind was a hindrance to achieving enlightenment. It wasn’t until a dedicated teacher assured me that a wandering mind is a normal human experience that I truly began to settle into the practice.
That’s when I realized something magical about Yin Yoga—it acts as a gentle gateway to meditation with its small, manageable increments of stillness.
Why Yin Yoga Is Perfect for Meditation Beginners
Imagine entering a Yin pose as a mini meditation session. It’s less daunting than sitting still for lengthy periods and allows you to embrace mindfulness gradually.
While your mind will certainly wander, anchoring it with a simple word, a mantra, or even breath awareness turns each session into a practice in meditation. It’s akin to bringing a wandering two-year-old back to the path, with gentle guidance.
Techniques to Anchor Your Mind in Your Practice
Here’s where you can get creative and personal with your meditation during Yin Yoga:
- Words or Phrases: Choose meaningful words or phrases, perhaps a “Sankalpa” – a heartfelt resolve.
- Breath Awareness: Watch your breath as it rises and falls.
- Breath Counting: Combine breath awareness with counting exhales and inhales.
- Sensations: Breathe into areas of sensation within your body.
- Big Sky Awareness: Embrace mindfulness, acknowledging all present sensations without getting attached.
The Gentle Road to Meditation
Meditation isn’t about clearing your mind of thoughts but rather redirecting your wandering mind back to your focal point. Be it words, breath, or sensations, it’s about gently guiding your mind back, like a compassionate parent. You’ll get distracted—it’s normal. What matters is your patience and persistence.
In meditation, as in Yin Yoga, find the “middle way.” It’s beautifully transformative when practiced with compassion—both on and off the mat.
Have you found that Yin Yoga helped you meditate?
Share your experiences in the comments.
Until next time, my friends, may you be at peace and free. 😊
Yin Yoga Is the Gateway Drug – Listen
Yin Yoga Is the Gateway Drug – Watch
Yin Yoga Is the Gateway Drug – Read
00:00:01.880 –> 00:00:06.800
Nyk Danu Yoga: Hi, Yanice, and welcome back to a yin Yoga, podcast
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Nyk Danu Yoga: if you are new around here, welcome.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: if you are a familiar welcome back.
00:00:14.570 –> 00:00:17.539
Nyk Danu Yoga: So before we get into today’s episode.
00:00:18.450 –> 00:00:20.799
Nyk Danu Yoga: I wanted to just mention
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Nyk Danu Yoga: that for those of you who have been listening for a while. If you’ve been looking to upgrade your yin Yoga teacher training. If you’ve already got one, you want to do more, or if you don’t have one yet, and you want to start off on a solid footing
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Nyk Danu Yoga: that I am at the time of this recording, I have just decided to increase the length of my yin training.
00:00:44.850 –> 00:00:48.698
Nyk Danu Yoga: It has been a 60 plus hour for
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Nyk Danu Yoga: a couple of years now, and I just have noticed that especially
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Nyk Danu Yoga: lately.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: that the questions from
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Nyk Danu Yoga: and the collaboration from the group have been so good that I feel like we need more time.
00:01:06.510 –> 00:01:07.390
Nyk Danu Yoga: So
00:01:07.630 –> 00:01:09.450
Nyk Danu Yoga: I am going to now
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Nyk Danu Yoga: increase this
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Nyk Danu Yoga: and increase the length of the training.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: So now you’re going to get 72 h with me.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: and then an additional about 25 to 28 h in homework. That’s a guesstimate, because
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Nyk Danu Yoga: some people, you know, do assignments quicker than others.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: and so in total, that’ll be a hundred hours.
00:01:41.950 –> 00:01:51.989
Nyk Danu Yoga: So if you have been looking for sort of a more in depth training. If you’ve really been looking for either a solid foundation for your 1st year training, or
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Nyk Danu Yoga: if you have been wanting to add on more training.
00:01:56.200 –> 00:02:09.210
Nyk Danu Yoga: If you are a yin Yoga addict and you want more. I’d encourage you to check that out. The link is always in the show notes to check out what I cover, what the dates of the current course are, because, depending on. When you’re listening to this.
00:02:09.220 –> 00:02:15.750
Nyk Danu Yoga: I don’t know when they will be but also there’s an opportunity there to get on the wait list.
00:02:15.930 –> 00:02:18.909
Nyk Danu Yoga: and you could do that all the way at the top of the page.
00:02:19.020 –> 00:02:37.709
Nyk Danu Yoga: There’s a little button there that you can push. You get a free in sequence when you sign up, or all the way at the bottom of the page as well, and if you hang out for a couple of minutes there’ll be a little polite pop up that’ll whoop! Come in from the side, and that’s also an opportunity to add yourself to the wait list.
00:02:38.220 –> 00:02:42.279
Nyk Danu Yoga: So when you’re on the wait list, not only are you gonna get
00:02:42.350 –> 00:02:51.879
Nyk Danu Yoga: 1st notice of registration. So before I start posting it on the socials, or, you know, talking to anybody else about it, wait list gets it first.st That’s 1 thing you get.
00:02:52.000 –> 00:02:58.069
Nyk Danu Yoga: You’re also get access to a 1st 5 of you that sign up, get access to a discount code.
00:02:58.340 –> 00:03:07.520
Nyk Danu Yoga: and then on top of that. On the way to the course opening and the registration opening, you get lots of little yin Yoga love from me.
00:03:07.540 –> 00:03:11.700
Nyk Danu Yoga: So you’ll get these podcast episodes. You’ll get
00:03:12.440 –> 00:03:34.879
Nyk Danu Yoga: music that I use. You’ll get videos that you can practice with yourself, invitations, to join me for both my free and my paid in classes and workshops. So there’s a lot of little things that you’ll get there on the way to registration opening. And then, when registration opens you’ll get 1st crack at it, including the 1st 5 to sign up discount code.
00:03:35.140 –> 00:03:44.319
Nyk Danu Yoga: So if you’ve been listening for a while, and you’ve been kind of pondering. Doing some Morgan training or your 1st year in training. Take a moment
00:03:44.600 –> 00:03:52.259
Nyk Danu Yoga: to just click the link in the show notes and look way up or way down. You can add your name and email there.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: All right, my friends.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: today, I want to talk a little bit about an aspect of yin yoga that is rarely talked about.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: So when I
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Nyk Danu Yoga: 1st started doing yin many, many years ago,
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Nyk Danu Yoga: I went to Paul’s workshop. This is back in 2,007 long before I had studied with him. In a formal teacher training. But just it was a public workshop, and then I bought his DVD. And I went home and practiced it a lot.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: and
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Nyk Danu Yoga: one of the things that that DVD. Says is that you know yin is the quiet Yoga or the meditative Yoga.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: and I think that this yin as the well we’ll just say yin is the gateway drug, perhaps to meditation, is an aspect of our yin practice that doesn’t get talked about a lot.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: Sometimes when I have students come into class that are new.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: ¥2,
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Nyk Danu Yoga: they and I say, you know, these are like small meditations, or that yin yoga is, you know, a meditative practice. I can kind of see the look of horror on their face.
00:05:07.990 –> 00:05:16.619
Nyk Danu Yoga: because we all have all these messages right when we’re new to meditating about meditation, what it is. Most of those messages are wrong.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: And also
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Nyk Danu Yoga: what it isn’t.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: So
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Nyk Danu Yoga: when I 1st started learning to meditate, okay, story time, as I like to say.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: I’ve been teaching Yoga for a couple of years, or maybe not even maybe it had only been one year. But somewhere, you know, in the back of my mind, because in my 1st teacher training. Of course we went over the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, and I had learned that, like these funny poses we make with our body are to create a body that is able to sit still comfortably in meditation.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: And that, you know the Asanas were just one little tiny part
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Nyk Danu Yoga: of what we do in Yoga, and that really the big goal is meditation.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: So
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Nyk Danu Yoga: I started feeling kind of to be honest, like a fraud.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: because here I am going around starting to teach Yoga saying, I’m a yoga teacher. But I wasn’t meditating.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: and of course I had all kinds of ideas about what meditation meant and what it was and what it wasn’t. But either way, I decided, okay, I need to. I need to start meditating. I need to learn how to meditate.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: Didn’t really know what that meant. But
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Nyk Danu Yoga: there we go. I need to learn how to meditate.
00:06:32.950 –> 00:06:39.339
Nyk Danu Yoga: So I did what one often does. I got on the computers, and I also went to like, you know, the
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Nyk Danu Yoga: the woo woo bookshops and stuff, and like looked at posters, and, you know, wrote down websites, and
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Nyk Danu Yoga: you know where where I lived, and remember, this was also quite, quite a many years ago. Compared to now, meditation is so much more common.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: but most of the places offering meditation were
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Nyk Danu Yoga: temples, Buddhist temples.
00:07:03.220 –> 00:07:08.580
Nyk Danu Yoga: And so I would find out what night is their meditation on? And if I could go
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Nyk Danu Yoga: if I wasn’t teaching. I would sign up for either a beginner meditation program if they had a sort of formalized program.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: or I would just go if it was more of a drop in and then try to get some help.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: And I had some very interesting experiences.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: As I did that.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: So the 1st place that I went to.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: was part of a temple.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: and so they had the men and the women sitting facing opposite walls. So you’re on opposite side of the room, and there was the big, beautiful altar there with this amazing Buddha. But you weren’t facing it. No, you were just facing a blank wall.
00:07:46.450 –> 00:08:00.729
Nyk Danu Yoga: and then no instruction. Just sit. This is how long we sit for we ring a bell, and then then we do walking meditation. But the walking meditation was more like sprinting around. The facility.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: so needless to say that one did not stick. In fact, I remember, my friend and I that we.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: when we left. We were laughing so hard when we left at this like sprinting version of a walking meditation that I almost fell down the stairs. So that was the 1st place I went. Then I decided, well.
00:08:22.130 –> 00:08:27.250
Nyk Danu Yoga: that wasn’t a fit. Let’s try one of the other places, and I found a place that was really near my house, and
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Nyk Danu Yoga: it seemed really good, but
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Nyk Danu Yoga: I went there for a while, but we were always sitting in chairs.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: and the meditation was always guided.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: and there was a dharma talk first, st which I actually quite liked.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: But
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Nyk Danu Yoga: it’s like there was no option even to grab a cushion and sit on the floor, and it was the meditation was guided the whole time, so they weren’t really teaching me how to meditate.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: So I let that one go.
00:08:56.450 –> 00:09:00.079
Nyk Danu Yoga: I went to another place, and you know nothing.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: you know. Negative happened per se. But it just wasn’t a good fit. And then finally.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: finally, finally I went to another temple.
00:09:08.570 –> 00:09:19.709
Nyk Danu Yoga: where I met a man who ended up being my teacher for many years, and still would be if I lived in the same province and he was guiding a beginner meditation course, and it was 6 weeks.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: and you know I’d gone the 1st week and was sitting and struggling, and I’ll talk more about the struggles.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: In a moment.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: And
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Nyk Danu Yoga: then at 1 point, he said.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: and if you find that your mind wanders away and gets pulled away into thinking and planning and
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Nyk Danu Yoga: writing lists and all of those things that’s normal.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: Everybody has this tendency.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: And I was like, what the fuck.
00:09:51.310 –> 00:10:13.450
Nyk Danu Yoga: Why hasn’t anybody told me this? So here I am, hopping from meditation technique to meditation technique, you know, guided, not guided online audio. Take a CD out from the library, go to another temple, another temple shopping around for meditation, thinking that it wasn’t air, quotes working for me because my mind was too busy
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Nyk Danu Yoga: only to find out.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: Oh.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: everybody’s mind is busy in meditation
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Nyk Danu Yoga: that this is actually part of being human.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: And wow! Did I ever, was I ever more able to settle in
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Nyk Danu Yoga: then to learning that practice.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: you see, because I thought
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Nyk Danu Yoga: that
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Nyk Danu Yoga: you would just sit cross-legged, and you’d find some ancient mudra, and you’d close your eyes and
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Nyk Danu Yoga: focus on your breath, and then, Bada bing, bada, boom! Your mind would be clear, and you would be on the road to enlightenment.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: But no, really, what happens is you sit especially when you’re new to sitting on the floor. And you’re uncomfortable. Your back gets tired, your hips ache, your knees ache, you get fidgety. You’re bored.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: Your mind is thinking
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Nyk Danu Yoga: you have to reestablish your posture multiple times because you start slouching. So all of these things are. What happens when you 1st start to learn to meditate. You get frustrated, you get impatient, you get sleepy, you fall asleep. All of these things.
00:11:14.900 –> 00:11:29.680
Nyk Danu Yoga: and they’re all normal and human. So this is why this man became my teacher for many years, because he was able to take what felt like to me some of this kind of esoteric stuff and make it really clear and really practical.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: So I want to talk a little bit about this sort of meditated aspect of Yin, and how for ourselves, as practitioners or for students.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: Yin Yoga can be a little bit of the gateway drug to meditation.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: and let’s face it.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: All of us could use a little more.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: Be still. Sit down and shut up in the world.
00:11:58.030 –> 00:12:02.520
Nyk Danu Yoga: Okay, so is Yin Yoga a gateway to meditation. I think so
00:12:02.880 –> 00:12:11.799
Nyk Danu Yoga: often, though, when I tell my students that Yen’s nickname is the meditative Yoga, like I mentioned, I get this look of horror and shock like, somehow I tricked them into meditating.
00:12:12.240 –> 00:12:18.949
Nyk Danu Yoga: Here they were thought they were coming for this Yoga practice to get more flexible. And now someone’s talking to them about meditation.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: So the fact that meditations become so separate from what most of society
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Nyk Danu Yoga: thinks of as Yoga practice is already horribly unfortunate, and maybe a rant
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Nyk Danu Yoga: that we don’t need to get into.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: But you know, originally the Yoga practices were designed to create a body that was stable
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Nyk Danu Yoga: to sit in meditation.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: and unfortunately that aspect of Yoga, as it got, you know, imported to the West, has been thrown in the trash. And now it’s all just about, you know, getting your bikini body and blah blah blah.
00:12:58.340 –> 00:13:02.939
Nyk Danu Yoga: So whether or not it’s accurate to say that all yoga
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Nyk Danu Yoga: should could
00:13:04.950 –> 00:13:06.939
Nyk Danu Yoga: have meditation in it.
00:13:07.430 –> 00:13:09.220
Nyk Danu Yoga: It most of the time doesn’t.
00:13:09.230 –> 00:13:12.650
Nyk Danu Yoga: And so when a student hears meditation, they
00:13:12.730 –> 00:13:15.379
Nyk Danu Yoga: often panic and start looking for the door.
00:13:16.660 –> 00:13:18.130
Nyk Danu Yoga: But here’s the thing.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: In our busy, rushed, multitasking culture. We just don’t value sitting still and focusing on one thing at a time.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: Not only do we not practice it, but most people don’t even see the value in doing that.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: But meditation often isn’t what you may think as a teacher listening to this, or if you’re a member of the public
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Nyk Danu Yoga: or
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Nyk Danu Yoga: It’s not what you may think, and it may not be what your students think.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: So most people think like I did that a meditation practice is sitting cross-legged.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: picking a mudra, closing your eyes and bam blissful, thoughtless awareness. Nope.
00:14:00.400 –> 00:14:11.960
Nyk Danu Yoga: So when I started to meditate, as I mentioned, I was shocked and horrified that when I sat down and closed my eyes there was a circus going on in my mind, and so I thought I must be doing it wrong.
00:14:12.070 –> 00:14:20.630
Nyk Danu Yoga: I just obviously need a different style of meditation. This kind of meditation is in air, quotes working for me, so I need to find another one.
00:14:21.040 –> 00:14:23.399
Nyk Danu Yoga: and so I tried another style
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Nyk Danu Yoga: and another style
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Nyk Danu Yoga: and another, and luckily I’m tenacious, because finally, as I mentioned in that beginner class, my teacher said, if your mind wanders into thinking and planning, that’s normal, it happens to everyone.
00:14:37.800 –> 00:14:45.329
Nyk Danu Yoga: And then I realized that I wasn’t alone. Everybody’s back was kind of aching. Hips were kind of sore knees were kind of a thing.
00:14:46.910 –> 00:14:49.980
Nyk Danu Yoga: Their mind was going crazy or they were falling asleep.
00:14:50.460 –> 00:14:58.010
Nyk Danu Yoga: Turns out I’m not that unique nor special. Nope, we all have this busy brain. It’s human, it’s normal.
00:14:58.310 –> 00:15:02.839
Nyk Danu Yoga: And so I just kept studying meditation. But I made very little air, quotes
00:15:02.890 –> 00:15:04.010
Nyk Danu Yoga: progress
00:15:04.500 –> 00:15:05.610
Nyk Danu Yoga: until
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Nyk Danu Yoga: dun dun dun enter yin yoga.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: So
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Nyk Danu Yoga: what I noticed is that when I entered a yin shape
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Nyk Danu Yoga: for a few minutes
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Nyk Danu Yoga: it was an opportunity to practice meditation.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: and then
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Nyk Danu Yoga: we’d come out and we’d enter a new shape, and that would be another opportunity to try again to practice meditation.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: And these bite-sized meditations, you know, for 3 to 5 min at a time.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: often feel more doable and accessible than trying to sit for 20 to 45 min straight.
00:15:41.580 –> 00:15:46.899
Nyk Danu Yoga: Of course the mind still wanders, but it feels less daunting and a little easier
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Nyk Danu Yoga: than a longer sit.
00:15:51.280 –> 00:15:59.849
Nyk Danu Yoga: This small regular practice can kind of chip away at the mind, and it often adds up to the mind slowly, being less rebellious.
00:16:00.120 –> 00:16:03.409
Nyk Danu Yoga: And this is how we develop this in our yin practice.
00:16:04.000 –> 00:16:12.949
Nyk Danu Yoga: So rather than coming into the shape, and just letting your mind run amok and the thinking, the planning, the list, writing, the analyzing all the things
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Nyk Danu Yoga: rather than that happening
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Nyk Danu Yoga: when the mind goes off on a tangent, which of course it will, because you’re human, and this is normal. We can just gently refocus it on an anchor.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: Now, there’s different styles of meditation out there. And you know, there’s probably more than this podcast can go into.
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Nyk Danu Yoga: But a lot of them, especially for beginners are concentration techniques or an anchor is another way to think of that.
00:16:40.070 –> 00:16:42.280
Nyk Danu Yoga: So the mind runs away
00:16:42.430 –> 00:16:46.009
Nyk Danu Yoga: and you come and bring it back to this one simple thing.
00:16:46.540 –> 00:16:49.659
Nyk Danu Yoga: and there’s so many ways that you could anchor the mind.
00:16:50.010 –> 00:16:58.469
Nyk Danu Yoga: But I’ll share a few beginner, friendly ones that I share in my classes with my students, and also in my own practice.
00:17:00.280 –> 00:17:02.240
Nyk Danu Yoga: So a word or phrase.
00:17:02.630 –> 00:17:11.100
Nyk Danu Yoga: So something that’s meaningful for you. It could be something you’re hoping to get from your practice, or something. You’re trying to keep top of mind in your life.
00:17:12.680 –> 00:17:15.249
Nyk Danu Yoga: Often called your son Culpa.
00:17:16.650 –> 00:17:21.107
Nyk Danu Yoga: which is unfortunately often translated as
00:17:22.150 –> 00:17:28.800
Nyk Danu Yoga: intention, but actually like heartfelt desire or heartfelt resolve might be a bit more accurate.
00:17:37.010 –> 00:17:40.159
Nyk Danu Yoga: So you could use what’s called the sunculpa.
00:17:40.770 –> 00:17:46.680
Nyk Danu Yoga: If you’ve studied with a teacher in depth, and they’ve given you a mantra. You could use a mantra
00:17:47.230 –> 00:18:02.819
Nyk Danu Yoga: traditionally, historically, you wouldn’t just kind of pick up a yoga book and pick a mantra that you liked and and do that that would be given to you by a teacher. So a word or phrase, whether that’s mantra, or whether it’s just a song, culpa, that can be a way to anchor your mind
00:18:02.920 –> 00:18:04.380
Nyk Danu Yoga: and practice
00:18:05.120 –> 00:18:08.259
Nyk Danu Yoga: meditation to bring your mind back to that word or phrase.
00:18:09.260 –> 00:18:13.230
Nyk Danu Yoga: So how I describe this often to my students is that this
00:18:13.330 –> 00:18:15.459
Nyk Danu Yoga: word or phrase is sort of like.
00:18:15.510 –> 00:18:17.810
Nyk Danu Yoga: if you imagine a record
00:18:18.210 –> 00:18:21.170
Nyk Danu Yoga: or an album or vinyl depending what generation you are.
00:18:21.280 –> 00:18:22.860
Nyk Danu Yoga: And you know you’re
00:18:23.000 –> 00:18:26.949
Nyk Danu Yoga: Vinyl is playing along. It’s doing its thing. Everything’s going well.
00:18:27.000 –> 00:18:31.699
Nyk Danu Yoga: And then all of a sudden it gets stuck in a scratch, and it’s on like, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat.
00:18:31.770 –> 00:18:36.410
Nyk Danu Yoga: right. So, using this word or phrase is sort of like picking the needle up and beginning again.
00:18:36.770 –> 00:18:43.490
Nyk Danu Yoga: So when you’re focusing on being present, and then the mind wanders away. When you notice it, pause.
00:18:43.530 –> 00:18:47.000
Nyk Danu Yoga: you can say that word or phrase to yourself and bring it back.
00:18:47.030 –> 00:18:49.609
Nyk Danu Yoga: Or if you were using a mantra
00:18:50.014 –> 00:18:56.550
Nyk Danu Yoga: you know, maybe given to you by a teacher, you might use that mantra repeatedly throughout the whole meditation.
00:18:57.270 –> 00:19:04.800
Nyk Danu Yoga: so you could use a word or a phrase or a mantra. Again, if you are interested in mantra meditation, I highly recommend picking up
00:19:04.840 –> 00:19:07.030
Nyk Danu Yoga: some training with a skilled teacher.
00:19:09.070 –> 00:19:10.940
Nyk Danu Yoga: You can watch your breath.
00:19:11.700 –> 00:19:16.449
Nyk Danu Yoga: So the great thing about the breath is, it’s always with us, and nobody has to know we’re doing it
00:19:17.990 –> 00:19:19.140
Nyk Danu Yoga: so
00:19:19.210 –> 00:19:23.269
Nyk Danu Yoga: you could fall. Watch the rise and the fall of your belly as you breathe.
00:19:23.780 –> 00:19:26.389
Nyk Danu Yoga: and you can either picture this.
00:19:26.590 –> 00:19:32.069
Nyk Danu Yoga: or you could focus on the physical sensation of it. Whatever makes more sense for you.
00:19:32.260 –> 00:19:37.350
Nyk Danu Yoga: and it could be the belly, or the ribs, or the chest, or even the nostrils.
00:19:37.570 –> 00:19:42.099
Nyk Danu Yoga: I find the nostrils tricky, but you know some people might find that a little easier.
00:19:42.390 –> 00:19:45.959
Nyk Danu Yoga: and you’re just literally going to be aware of the breath.
00:19:46.020 –> 00:19:50.139
Nyk Danu Yoga: following it as it moves in and out of one of those areas of your body.
00:19:50.450 –> 00:19:55.669
Nyk Danu Yoga: and then, of course, your mind will wander, and when it. Does you come back to that technique.
00:19:57.190 –> 00:20:06.220
Nyk Danu Yoga: one of the most simple ways of meditation, of beginning a concentration practice which can leave to a meditative state sometimes, if you’re lucky.
00:20:07.710 –> 00:20:12.059
Nyk Danu Yoga: That I was introduced to by my teacher. The one I mentioned was breath counting
00:20:12.600 –> 00:20:24.660
Nyk Danu Yoga: so similar to watching the breath in the belly. So you’re still aware of the breath, perhaps physically, in your body, but then you’re adding a count to that rise and fall, so inhale, exhale one.
00:20:24.990 –> 00:20:26.990
Nyk Danu Yoga: inhale, exhale 2,
00:20:27.220 –> 00:20:31.029
Nyk Danu Yoga: inhale, exhale 3, etc. Etc.
00:20:31.480 –> 00:20:40.040
Nyk Danu Yoga: There’s no goal number. It’s not like you get a trophy when you get somewhere, and when you notice that your mind wanders, you just begin again at one.
00:20:41.310 –> 00:20:47.930
Nyk Danu Yoga: I had a student once who told me that she used this technique, but she swapped out the breath, count for the alphabet.
00:20:48.070 –> 00:20:52.220
Nyk Danu Yoga: because she was number averse, which I thought was very clever.
00:20:53.170 –> 00:20:54.140
Nyk Danu Yoga: Okay.
00:20:54.370 –> 00:20:56.030
Nyk Danu Yoga: so that might be something
00:20:56.590 –> 00:20:59.869
Nyk Danu Yoga: breathing into areas of sensation.
00:21:00.060 –> 00:21:06.039
Nyk Danu Yoga: So as you come into your yin shape, and you found sort of your sweet spot or your working position.
00:21:06.160 –> 00:21:14.910
Nyk Danu Yoga: that sort of 50 to 60% where you’re feeling sensation. You could send your breath directly into the area that you are
00:21:15.390 –> 00:21:16.290
Nyk Danu Yoga: feeling
00:21:16.490 –> 00:21:25.090
Nyk Danu Yoga: almost as if you could breathe directly into that area bypassing your nose, your mouth, your lungs, your trachea, and breathing into that spot.
00:21:26.450 –> 00:21:27.800
Nyk Danu Yoga: So that’s an option.
00:21:29.470 –> 00:21:32.470
Nyk Danu Yoga: And then sometimes there’s what I
00:21:33.840 –> 00:21:38.129
Nyk Danu Yoga: often think of as big sky awareness, or some people might call mindfulness.
00:21:38.510 –> 00:21:50.640
Nyk Danu Yoga: Now, as I mentioned before, for beginners, or if your mind is quite busy, the techniques I gave you above that are a bit more of a concentration technique are usually helpful at the start.
00:21:50.840 –> 00:21:53.090
Nyk Danu Yoga: but sometimes over time.
00:21:53.320 –> 00:21:55.780
Nyk Danu Yoga: with practice, or just some days.
00:21:56.540 –> 00:21:59.949
Nyk Danu Yoga: we can notice that we reach this big sky awareness.
00:22:00.390 –> 00:22:04.149
Nyk Danu Yoga: where we are sort of aware of everything in the present moment.
00:22:04.670 –> 00:22:14.139
Nyk Danu Yoga: sounds, sensations, smells the air in your skin, the weight of your body on the earth, but in a very opal, open and kind of gentle, soft way.
00:22:14.290 –> 00:22:19.449
Nyk Danu Yoga: You’re not kind of grasping or getting stuck on repetitive thought loops. It’s just wide open.
00:22:19.460 –> 00:22:21.380
Nyk Danu Yoga: Present moment awareness.
00:22:22.460 –> 00:22:32.789
Nyk Danu Yoga: sort of like. If you were lying on the earth on a warm day watching the clouds float by, but without making animal shapes or telling stories about each cloud.
00:22:34.380 –> 00:22:41.019
Nyk Danu Yoga: From my experience this big sky awareness, Aka. Mindfulness, is kind of rare and fleeting.
00:22:41.300 –> 00:22:52.529
Nyk Danu Yoga: but if you do find that at some point in your practice, then you can let go of these more specific anchoring techniques and float in that mindfulness for a while, for however long it lasts.
00:22:52.700 –> 00:22:58.160
Nyk Danu Yoga: If you find that the mind starts to kick up a storm again and gets busy. Well, you could return to an anchor for a while
00:23:00.410 –> 00:23:12.289
Nyk Danu Yoga: the thing I see most often with students other than thinking that they are the only ones who can’t meditate. Oh, all these other people! They’ve got their shit figured out. But me. No, no, I’m complicated.
00:23:12.420 –> 00:23:17.069
Nyk Danu Yoga: So that that is one thing that people students think often. And I used to think, too.
00:23:18.180 –> 00:23:25.639
Nyk Danu Yoga: But the other thing that I notice is just this level of frustration with how busy the mind is. So please be gentle with yourself
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Nyk Danu Yoga: in this practice, my teacher always used to say, and I remember I just wanted to hug him the 1st time I heard it.
00:23:31.270 –> 00:23:35.020
Nyk Danu Yoga: In this practice. We’re not trying to stop thinking
00:23:36.220 –> 00:23:42.639
Nyk Danu Yoga: and to say that a couple more times in this meditation practice we’re not trying to stop thinking.
00:23:43.200 –> 00:23:46.639
Nyk Danu Yoga: In fact, the best way to think is to try not to think.
00:23:47.220 –> 00:23:52.040
Nyk Danu Yoga: Instead, we are redirecting the mind when it goes off course.
00:23:52.080 –> 00:23:57.249
Nyk Danu Yoga: from what we were choosing to pay attention to, whether that’s your word, your phrase, your breath.
00:23:57.260 –> 00:24:00.880
Nyk Danu Yoga: or sort of present moment awareness and mindfulness.
00:24:02.420 –> 00:24:05.519
Nyk Danu Yoga: So I often think of my mind like a two-year-old.
00:24:05.680 –> 00:24:17.509
Nyk Danu Yoga: because it helps to soften the judging aspect of my mind. The part of me that’s a little bit hard on myself, because I don’t have this all figured out yet, and I’m clearly not enlightened yet, despite all the practice.
00:24:18.120 –> 00:24:27.030
Nyk Danu Yoga: So an inner 2 year old. Imagine, if you will, you’re walking down the street in a quiet neighborhood on a warm summer day, with a 2 year old.
00:24:27.770 –> 00:24:32.509
Nyk Danu Yoga: It wouldn’t take long, likely, before you would get distracted repeatedly along the way
00:24:32.870 –> 00:24:39.149
Nyk Danu Yoga: they would want to look at every flower, every rock, every caterpillar, every insect, would be a distraction from the walk.
00:24:40.060 –> 00:24:53.380
Nyk Danu Yoga: and my hope is that you wouldn’t get impatient with that small one, and Yank on their hand, insisting that they hurry up and let’s get back to the walk. We have places to be things to do. No, instead, you would just acknowledge the distraction
00:24:53.570 –> 00:24:55.289
Nyk Danu Yoga: to this little one, you would say.
00:24:55.300 –> 00:24:58.459
Nyk Danu Yoga: Oh, look! That is a pretty flower. Okay.
00:24:58.670 –> 00:25:00.649
Nyk Danu Yoga: come this way. Let’s continue.
00:25:01.870 –> 00:25:06.830
Nyk Danu Yoga: So try to have that same compassion and patience with yourself.
00:25:07.210 –> 00:25:09.850
Nyk Danu Yoga: The mind will wander. This is normal.
00:25:12.930 –> 00:25:14.800
Nyk Danu Yoga: and it’s to be expected.
00:25:15.090 –> 00:25:21.520
Nyk Danu Yoga: It’s amazing how much easier meditation practice gets whether you’re doing it in your yin class or on a formal
00:25:21.580 –> 00:25:24.590
Nyk Danu Yoga: meditation practice seat sitting your butt on a cushion.
00:25:25.530 –> 00:25:28.319
Nyk Danu Yoga: It’s amazing how much better it gets
00:25:28.390 –> 00:25:35.420
Nyk Danu Yoga: when you let go of the expectation to have this mind that is clear and void of all thoughts. And you just realize
00:25:35.520 –> 00:25:37.419
Nyk Danu Yoga: I’m going to get distracted here.
00:25:37.700 –> 00:25:40.889
Nyk Danu Yoga: but I know some skills to help me. When I do
00:25:41.780 –> 00:25:42.550
Nyk Danu Yoga: so.
00:25:43.752 –> 00:25:54.370
Nyk Danu Yoga: Please be gentle and compassionate with yourself. The mind will wander away. It’s normal. It’s to be expected. When it does, you just gently return it to your anchor or to present moment awareness.
00:25:55.290 –> 00:25:59.479
Nyk Danu Yoga: There’s a reason that this is called Yoga practice or meditation practice.
00:25:59.700 –> 00:26:07.040
Nyk Danu Yoga: That’s because it’s a practice, and any new skill is going to take practice, repetition, and patience.
00:26:08.070 –> 00:26:12.330
Nyk Danu Yoga: So I know that I have practiced
00:26:13.100 –> 00:26:17.200
Nyk Danu Yoga: my yin yoga in a really distracted way, right where I’m just sort of.
00:26:17.280 –> 00:26:22.989
Nyk Danu Yoga: you know, daydreaming, thinking, planning. I’m making the shapes of my body. I’m setting a timer, and then I’m just
00:26:23.030 –> 00:26:28.449
Nyk Danu Yoga: letting the mind do what it does. So I’ve done that. I’ve done that a lot.
00:26:28.570 –> 00:26:31.279
Nyk Danu Yoga: you know, resisting the urge to pick up my phone.
00:26:31.560 –> 00:26:40.540
Nyk Danu Yoga: and I’ve also done my yin practice where I am dedicated and committed, and I bring my mind back each time it wanders away
00:26:40.630 –> 00:26:43.540
Nyk Danu Yoga: to whatever anchor I’m using for my practice.
00:26:43.920 –> 00:26:55.719
Nyk Danu Yoga: and I can tell you that the second one bears far more fruit, not only for your mental state for your nervous system, and I would argue for the physicality of your body
00:26:55.790 –> 00:27:00.040
Nyk Danu Yoga: when you can be present to what is happening in the moment
00:27:00.370 –> 00:27:02.900
Nyk Danu Yoga: your practice will be way more healing.
00:27:03.160 –> 00:27:09.490
Nyk Danu Yoga: and you will get more insights into not only your mind, but also your body and your spirit.
00:27:11.270 –> 00:27:19.289
Nyk Danu Yoga: So I can tell you from experience that one has way more benefits when not just when I’m on the yoga mat, but also when I’m off the yoga mat.
00:27:20.490 –> 00:27:21.270
Nyk Danu Yoga: So
00:27:21.840 –> 00:27:31.359
Nyk Danu Yoga: if you are a yin Yoga lover or completely intimidated, I hope that those techniques will help you to settle into practice a little bit more
00:27:33.970 –> 00:27:39.829
Nyk Danu Yoga: sometimes, having these sort of more concrete anchoring techniques can be helpful.
00:27:41.820 –> 00:27:52.179
Nyk Danu Yoga: I would love to know from you in the comments. If you’re watching this on Youtube, you can let me know in the comments. If you are on spotify. We have a new comment, feature now on spotify
00:27:53.019 –> 00:28:01.130
Nyk Danu Yoga: or if you’re on my blog, you can also add comments there. So I would love to know from you what has your experience been like with meditation
00:28:01.150 –> 00:28:05.990
Nyk Danu Yoga: and meditation practice? And has Yin Yoga helped you with that.
00:28:06.010 –> 00:28:12.470
Nyk Danu Yoga: Have you found that your Yin Yoga practice has helped you to gradually
00:28:12.650 –> 00:28:14.219
Nyk Danu Yoga: branch out
00:28:14.270 –> 00:28:17.509
Nyk Danu Yoga: into a more formalized seated practice.
00:28:18.500 –> 00:28:25.960
Nyk Danu Yoga: because, as I said before, yin Yoga can be a gateway drug to meditation.
00:28:26.090 –> 00:28:37.950
Nyk Danu Yoga: so I’d love to know more about your journey with meditation. Have you tried it? Did you fall into any of these stereotypes that I mentioned, where you thought that your mind was supposed to be clear.
00:28:38.050 –> 00:28:45.230
Nyk Danu Yoga: You were just going to sit cross-legged and be enlightened, bam, just like that. Any of that come up for you. I know it did for me.
00:28:45.270 –> 00:28:47.990
Nyk Danu Yoga: and I’m so grateful that I found my teacher.
00:28:49.450 –> 00:28:53.559
Nyk Danu Yoga: and I’ve you know I have been on and off with my meditation practice
00:28:54.201 –> 00:29:03.980
Nyk Danu Yoga: especially over the the Covid Times. I switched my meditation practice to all Meta practice all loving kindness. I’ve done a whole episode on that.
00:29:04.300 –> 00:29:09.660
Nyk Danu Yoga: I’ll leave the link in the show notes, or you can just find it on my blog, or wherever you’re listening to this.
00:29:10.601 –> 00:29:12.769
Nyk Danu Yoga: So in times of
00:29:14.220 –> 00:29:18.339
Nyk Danu Yoga: stress or strife, whether that’s personally for me or just the world.
00:29:19.098 –> 00:29:31.290
Nyk Danu Yoga: I have repeatedly used my Meta practice as my concentration technique, because those are sort of like words that you’re putting out there into the world. So again, I’ve done a whole episode on Meta.
00:29:31.470 –> 00:29:35.809
Nyk Danu Yoga: and you can check that out if you’re interested in a loving kindness practice.
00:29:36.560 –> 00:29:40.809
Nyk Danu Yoga: And recently, I have just committed to taking a course.
00:29:41.360 –> 00:29:46.539
Nyk Danu Yoga: It’s a teacher training like a facilitation course on mindful meditation. We’re starting soon.
00:29:46.730 –> 00:29:56.229
Nyk Danu Yoga: So that’s another way that I’m kind of branching out and also reestablishing my commitment to my formal seated practice.
00:29:56.970 –> 00:30:11.339
Nyk Danu Yoga: and over the years I have offered a course called Meditation 101, which is suitable for the public or teachers. If you really need a way to kind of establish a meditation practice sort of from the ground up.
00:30:11.764 –> 00:30:21.690
Nyk Danu Yoga: Then you can reach out to me. It’s not online now. I don’t have any dates right now in my mind, but by the time you listen to it there could be, and if there is. I’ll put a
00:30:22.020 –> 00:30:27.010
Nyk Danu Yoga: a link in the show notes, but if not, you can always reach out to me on Instagram
00:30:27.651 –> 00:30:29.400
Nyk Danu Yoga: or you know, send me a
00:30:29.610 –> 00:30:36.050
Nyk Danu Yoga: an email on my contact form on my website and let me know that that’s something you’d be interested in. And I’ll add you to the short list.
00:30:37.110 –> 00:30:44.689
Nyk Danu Yoga: Okay, friends, I hope that you find this helpful. And most importantly, I hope that this has allowed you to cut yourself some slack
00:30:45.000 –> 00:30:45.810
Nyk Danu Yoga: right.
00:30:47.400 –> 00:30:51.100
Nyk Danu Yoga: Please don’t be harsh with yourself in meditation.
00:30:51.440 –> 00:30:55.110
Nyk Danu Yoga: We want to find what the Buddha would have called the middle way.
00:30:56.060 –> 00:31:03.250
Nyk Danu Yoga: laying in your poses or seated on your cushion, just letting the mind do what it does with no discipline whatsoever.
00:31:03.280 –> 00:31:04.420
Nyk Danu Yoga: Not helpful.
00:31:04.700 –> 00:31:15.989
Nyk Danu Yoga: We’re already real good at this right? I’m sure. Right? You’re really good at thinking, planning, list, writing all the things I have, like a Master’s degree in it by now, so not helpful to have our practice be that.
00:31:16.370 –> 00:31:24.789
Nyk Danu Yoga: but also not helpful to be harsh, or judgmental or critical with yourself. What’s wrong with you? Why can’t your mind be still? Blah blah blah! Which I did for a while.
00:31:25.420 –> 00:31:33.470
Nyk Danu Yoga: So that’s also not helpful, because that’s just going to make you think even more. It’s also going to jack up your nervous system, which is going to make settling even harder.
00:31:33.720 –> 00:31:35.910
Nyk Danu Yoga: so can we find the middle way.
00:31:36.400 –> 00:31:45.450
Nyk Danu Yoga: The mind wanders away. We acknowledge this is normal and human, and oh, there it goes again, and with gentle dedication we bring it back
00:31:46.000 –> 00:31:50.649
Nyk Danu Yoga: to whatever anchor you’re using or whatever technique you’re using.
00:31:51.180 –> 00:31:56.479
Nyk Danu Yoga: gentle, gentle, patient, dedicated compassionate presence
00:31:56.720 –> 00:32:03.190
Nyk Danu Yoga: again and again and again the mind wanders. You return it back home to your body, to your breath.
00:32:03.250 –> 00:32:04.390
Nyk Danu Yoga: to this moment.
00:32:05.750 –> 00:32:08.810
Nyk Danu Yoga: Okay, my friends, I hope that you find that helpful.
00:32:09.000 –> 00:32:19.299
Nyk Danu Yoga: Please give me some feedback in the comments either on my blog or you can also contact me on Instagram or Youtube or Spotify apple doesn’t have a comment option. But
00:32:19.650 –> 00:32:27.700
Nyk Danu Yoga: if you are on apple, you can just message me on Instagram, at Nick, Danuyoga, or at Yan Yoga. Podcast. Both are in the show notes.
00:32:28.080 –> 00:32:30.230
Nyk Danu Yoga: and until next time, my friends
00:32:30.960 –> 00:32:32.089
Nyk Danu Yoga: bye, for now.
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Heidi Lennon
Love this topic. What a great listen. Meditation was a fundamental piece of my first YTT and for that I am very grateful. But I think that too often the meditation and mindfulness aspect can be overlooked for the outcome based methods of teaching. I love the idea of yin being meditative, as the slowing down of the breath and the static postures of the body invite interoception and a state of calm. This is such a fun podcast, thank you for sharing with the yoga community in this way so that those far and wide can experience your wisdoms and ideas <3
Thanks so much for listening and taking the time to respond