Jewelry By Andrea – A Product Review

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Andrea of Jewelry by Andrea is a Calgary-based Jewelry designer that has a stunning line! Andrea and I first met virtually because we traveled in some of the same business groups on Facebook. When we realized we were living in the same city, we had to meet up in person.

When I first saw Andrea’s line, I loved how much beautiful Yoga, Meditation & Buddhist inspired pieces she had. Read More “Jewelry By Andrea – A Product Review”

Yin Yoga Music: Tibetan Chakra Meditations – Cd Review & Giveaway

I get so many compliments on the music I play in my classes and I often get asked to recommend artists and albums. It would be impossible for me to discuss or review all the music play in class, so I can hi-light the odd label or artist.

It is actually pretty hard to find music for Yin Yoga. Read More “Yin Yoga Music: Tibetan Chakra Meditations – Cd Review & Giveaway”

Indie Spiritualist A No Bullshit Exploration Of Spirituality – A Book Review

What does a “Spiritual Person”  look like? When you think of a Spiritual Person, does this image come to mind?

What if it was more like this:

I first discovered Chris Grosso through a mutual friend, Kayla, via Twitter. I started following him and vice versa, and we have since become friends on Facebook as well. Read More “Indie Spiritualist A No Bullshit Exploration Of Spirituality – A Book Review”

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