Yoga Music – New Earth Records Review

One of the questions I get asked a lot by my Yoga students is ‘where do I get my Yoga Music from?’. It would be impossible to do a blog post about ALL my Yoga music (cause I have a shit ton of it), but I can highlight some of my favorites.

I love New Earth Records, and I would say 80% of my Yoga music is from New Earth Records. They have a big variety from up-tempo and a bit dance-y to super atmospheric and spa-like, so whether you are doing a Yang (flow) practice or a Yin practice, they likely have something for you to help you get your ‘Yoga groove on’.


If you’re new to buying Yoga music, starting with some of New Earth’s compilations is a great way to sample a few artists all at once.

I have these compilations:

  • Grace
  • Prana Yoga
  • Shambala
  • Spa Lounge
  • Spirit Lounge


The first Yoga CD I ever bought was by Chinmaya Dunster and I have bought several more since then. Chinmaya Dunster’s work is on the more lively side and great for Yang (flow) Yoga.

Chinmaya Dunster Cd’s I have:

  • Yoga: On Sacred Ground
  • Yoga Lounge
  • Sacred Temples of India
  • Feng Shui
  • Fragrance of the East

That’s what I have so far but really I want all his CD’s.

The second favorite artist is Deuter. I find some of this music too Flute-based (not my favorite instrument) so I always listen before I buy. I would say his music is better for Yin Yoga as it tends to be more atmospheric.

The Deuter CD’s I have are:

  • East Of The Full Moon
  • Eternity
  • Flowers of Silence
  • Koyasan
  • Tibet: Nada Himalaya 2

I have a few Terry Oldfield and, again, I try before I buy with him as well because he also tends to be flute-based. Again, I would say Terry Oldfield’s work is more Yin than Yang, but there are some exceptions.

Terry Oldfield CD’s I have are:

  • Yoga Harmony
  • Journey Into Space
  • Sacred Touch
  • Reiki Flow

I have 2 CD’s by Osho, and I would say it is a bit softer. but could be used for either Yin or Yang Yoga depending on your preference.

The Osho CD’s I have are:

  • Garden Of The Beloved
  • Ten Thousand Buddha’s

Rasa makes beautiful music. Kim Waters has a beautiful voice. I tend to use it for Yang since I prefer more soundscape-y type music for my Yin.

Rasa CD’s I have are:

  • Saffron Blue
  • Shelter

So, there you have a small peek into my Yoga Music collection.

Visit New Earth Records website to listen to samples and click through either by Cd’s or MP3’s, either through iTunes or Google.

Happy Listening,



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