Yin Yoga for Winter

Winter Yin Yoga

This is an introspective practice that focuses on longer-held, passive poses. These poses target the deep connective tissues, promoting flexibility and vitality in the joints. This class aims to encourage the stillness and receptivity of Yin Yoga for the winter season to harmonize your energy.

Poses for Winter Wellness:

In the practice video, we will explore a sequence of Yin poses to alleviate stiffness, and release tension in areas commonly affected during the winter season. Read More “Yin Yoga for Winter”

Tight Shoulders? A Yin Yang Yoga Practice

Yin Yang for Tight Shoulders: A Harmonized  Approach to Release Tension

Shoulder tension is an all-too-common issue in today’s world. The root causes can range from long hours at a desk to stress, physical strain, or even a lack of movement. To address tight shoulders, integrating the principles of Yin and Yang through a balanced approach can be highly effective. Read More “Tight Shoulders? A Yin Yang Yoga Practice”

Guided Yoga Nidra Practice for the Earth Element

posted in: Guided Meditation, Yoga 0


This guided Yoga Nidra practice for the earth element is grounding (pun intended).


Have You experienced Yoga Nidra?

I often say that Yoga Nidra is sort of like if you imagine that a guided relaxation and meditation had a baby 😂.

Sometimes Yoga Nidra is referred to as the Yoga of sleep or Yogic sleep, but that’s not really accurate. Read More “Guided Yoga Nidra Practice for the Earth Element”

Is Yoga Equitable? Why I offer sliding scale pricing.

posted in: Yoga 0

Is Yoga Equitable? This is a question I ask myself often.

Equity, of course, is a massive and very in-depth conversation that is likely beyond the scope of this blog post.

To be clear for this post when I speak of equity, I’m coming at it from a financial perspective.

For a large part of my life I had been what people would have described as ‘the working poor’. Read More “Is Yoga Equitable? Why I offer sliding scale pricing.”

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