How To Sit for Meditation (comfortably)

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Have you ever tried to sit for Meditation and been uncomfortable or in pain?

Although many of us likely sat on the floor a lot as kids, as adults we often don’t keep this habit up. Sadly sitting in chairs (which starts as early as grade one) begins the downward spiral that ends up in tight hips and weak backs which can make sitting on the floor difficult. Read More “How To Sit for Meditation (comfortably)”

Yoga For Sleepyheads (with video practice)

posted in: sleep, Yin Yoga, Yoga 0

Are You A Sleepy Head?

If you like me are more of a night owl than a morning person, I get it!

Even as a child, I never bounced out of bed before 10 a.m. I have always been a sleepyhead. It’s always been a moan and a groan while pushing snooze to go back to my dream state. Read More “Yoga For Sleepyheads (with video practice)”

Yin Yoga For Your Neck and Shoulders

If you are new to the practice of Yin Yoga check out my Yin Yoga for Beginners Post.

Yin Yoga for the neck and shoulders is one of my most requested sequences.

Often times people think that Yin Yoga is for the lower body. And it’s true if you look at most of the Yin Yoga books there is very little for the upper body. Read More “Yin Yoga For Your Neck and Shoulders”

What is Restorative Yoga?

I have noticed a lot of confusion with both students and even teachers as to what Restorative Yoga is and what it isn’t. Often people think as soon a Yoga bolster comes off the props shelf that suddenly we are practicing Restorative Yoga and that just not the case.

Although Restorative Yoga does rely heavily on Yoga props, many styles of Yoga use props to make Yoga more accessible to a variety of bodies in any style of Yoga. Read More “What is Restorative Yoga?”

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